Sunday, October 11, 2015

Went away for our anniversary, and I came back knocked up

I got your attention didn't I?

Though it is early I have decided to start sharing our new journey. 
This is definitely not step one in the process, but more of an announcement. 
I will back track later for people wondering how we got here.
On Wednesday morning we flew to Portland, 
and rented a car. 
(Mike let me pick hahahah 
He was less entertained than I was!
Well until he got to drive it up windy mountain roads) 
And drove to the Beach!
I really love the ocean, and have a deep admiration for lighthouses, so we started with Cannon Beach.
Mike prefers hiking and mountains, so it was perfect because it had a little of each of us!
The Jacqui side of the Beach, and the Mike side ;)
Then we went to seaside 
I love the little town there, and especially the candy store!
Now for the good part!

Thursday Morning I finally got to meet my 
new favorite woman in the world! 
(In future posts she will go by IM as in intended mother)
We went to the best breakfast, and walked around Portland 
getting to know each other better.
And then we went to the hospital, so ....
I could get pregnant with her baby!
Best 1st date ever ;)
I truly know that I am meant to have a baby for this family!
 I can't imagine going through this with anyone else!
I stayed in bed the rest of the day and Friday during the day to
 make sure her sweet little one could "stick"!
As a busy mom this was the best way to spend 2 days off!
Mike and I watched movies, talked, and just rested more than I have got to since James was born!
My thoughtful friend left me the sweetest gifts ever before leaving...
No really... have you had Leonidas chocolate? It is like Magic!!!
And almost too pretty to eat, but I did ;)
 Late Friday Mike and I went for a walk to see the boats (which I love), and eat our anniversary dinner!
Saturday we flew home to cuddle our babies!
4 days is still a long time even when having fun to be without our youngest!
A week later we got the word (after a blood test) that it took for sure 
and their little pumpkin is growing!
Today I am 5 weeks and 1 days pregnant. 

Let the Extreme Babysitting Begin!

Here is the link to 

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