
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Thing 3 is 18 Months Old!

Time flies when you are being cute!

Height/Weight: James is weighing in at 28 lbs

Routine: We have a pretty flexible day to day routine seeing we have different activities most mornings. 
I am so thankful that I get to spend my
 days doing day to day life with this smile!

Sleeping: James had moved from a short morning and short afternoon nap to just one long afternoon nap usually from about 1-3. Bed time is still 8:30. If we put him in bed with us when he wakes up he'll sleep for another hour or so which is great on the weekends! He also loves cuddling in brother and sisters beds ;)

Eating/Feeding: At this point little man can eat about anything. He prefers fruits and veggies to meat, and loves yogurt and cheese. 

Sizes: He is wearing 24 month clothing and size 6 shoes. We feel so blessed that even 18 months in we have yet to buy him any clothing (other than a few seasonal things we wanted to)! Yay for great friends and family! 
However he prefers to be naked, and will strip down any chance he gets!
But if he is wearing clothing he now requires a cape lol 

James is a little Talker! He can clearly say about 10 words and is working on about 20 others!
He knows most body parts when asked, and will make animal noises when he sees pictures of them or is asked (his favorite is anything that says Roar) 
James loves water! Bath time and swimming lessons are his favorite times of day!
He loves shoes, and will put on any he gets his hands on :)
And loves hide and seek (even though he isn't as good at hiding as he thinks)

And he is getting super brave!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Hi! I missed you ;)

Ok, so it has been forever since I have updated! 
I keep having people ask why I stopped, and I don't really know. 
I was so very tired a lot of my 1st trimester, and with Mike deployed for part of it then the holidays  I just forgot about things like sewing, and blogging, and just extra stuff. 
But with things calming down and pregnancy being easy again  
I decided it is time to get back to Hobbies :)

Here is a recap of what has been going on for the Reece Family since my last post:

Michael came home just in time for Veterans Day, and we celebrated his college graduation the 1st week of December!
Which made for a great reason to have a weekend away alone just the 2 of us to celebrate! 

I grew huge with a my sweet Surro baby 

 We spent a weekend in Boise for Mike's Squadron Christmas Party!
The kids got to go play with friends
then we went swimming, 
 Once they were ready for they got their 1st Christmas Gifts!
Then my handsome man and I got dressed up and went to the ball ;)
 It was so much fun catching up with RANS friends, and showing off my new cute accessory 

Some of my favorite Reece Boys build me a new entry way, and office for my Christmas gift!
It was so amazing to watch it come together over a few weeks,
 and lots of fun spending all the extra time with my in-laws!

 James learned that he loves snow!
As much as he loves the Aquarium! 

We had a super fun Christmas Break with lots of Shenanigans 
Like a trip to The Village to see Star Wars and go ice skating

And we had a fun little vacation away in the snow

We are super proud of our girl! 
She has been busy with Piano, Caravans (scouts), and Bible Quizzing. 
 She is also in basketball again lol
To make sure she knows how proud we are we spent a Saturday spoiling her
we ended the evening with Grandpa Scott at a BSU game! 

Last weekend Michael and I got away again to reset after such a busy few months!
Now we are ready to kick off my favorite month of the Year! 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Our New House: update winter 2016

This was the dream
So my boys started building a wall, and rewiring the electricity 
Then adding drywall
and adding texture 
And Changing out the flooring
(James is now obsessed with building like grandpa, and even has his own tools that he spends his days fixing things with ;)
 This is so much better than the dream! 
Look what they made me :)
With the left over wood from the bench Michael built me a few other things I loved from Pintrest
A box for my mason jar flower pots 
 A key/wallet holder for next to the garage door seeing he likes to drop his keys on my counter
And a couch table for drinks that James can't hurt himself on like most coffee tables

This is my new office behind the wall they built me! 
The wall you can't see will soon be the home to a built in book shelf!
It took calling my mom to come help and a lot of focus, but I was finally able to get myself to do all the way up our stair case with family pictures! I love walking up the stairs now!
And lastly after years of not being able to decide what I wanted we got a new table!
I decided I wanted lower farmhouse style table, and miss matched chairs.... Mike looked at me when I was crazy, but when I finally found all the pieces I like he agreed it is perfect for our decor!

I finally feel like our new house is coming together to be my dream home. and I love that I get to spend my days here taking care of it with my little prince!