Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Our New Journey: Surrogacy Part 4- 20 week update

At 9 weeks I had my last ultrasound with Idaho Center for Reproductive Medicine, and was transferred to my regular OBGYN. Because we had made it through the risky part of IVF pregnancy.
The next week I was able to ween off all my lovely shots!!! 
At 11 weeks I started showing enough to start tracking my bump growth
At 14 weeks I had my 1st appointment with my OB, and got to show my Intended Parents lots of pictures of their little miracle! 
That was also the week I started feeling movement which earned baby the nickname butterfly :)
 At 17 weeks my need for naps went away (which was like a Christmas Miracle)
I started craving Asian, so I think we went to PF Chang's like 4 times in a matter of weeks ;)

20 week bump!
At my 20 week appointment Mike and I were able to Facetime my IPs during the ultrasound, so they could find out they are getting a Princess!

Things are going very smoothly! 
I am now craving lots of fruit and my only real pregnancy symptom the last few weeks in very curable heartburn! I have had super energy lately so I am taking it out on my house! There is not a room that is not deep cleaned down to the floor boards, not a drop of laundry would need done if my family could just go a day without wearing more ;)

I feel less connection with baby butterfly than I did with my kids. I feel like that is a blessing, because even my heart knows I am not her mama! However I am just in love with my intended mother, and she is on my heart daily so I make sure her little girl is well taken care of!

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