
Monday, April 18, 2016

Our New Journey: Surrogacy Part 5- 3rd Trimester update

Surrogacy is going beautifully and faster than I could have imagined...
 I may be a little sad when it is all over :( 
Pregnancy itself is well... pregnancy lol 
Other than the general discomforts from putting on 20lbs over 32 weeks, and easily fixed heartburn things are going super smoothly! It is definitely different to be pregnant when you have a 1 year old to chase, but otherwise things are pretty similar to my pregnancy with James.

I have been taking pictures in the same dress, so my IP's can see how baby girl and I are growing. I started posting some of the pictures on my last Surro update: Our New Journey: Surrogacy Part 4
23 Weeks
26 Weeks 
I Lost my toes at 27 Weeks :(
29 weeks
My intended mother came and protected me from Mike's shenanigans on April Fools ;)
It was so fun to spend the day with her just talking about our kids! The very best part was getting to see her sweet little girl! I truly can not wait for my IPs to get to meet their baby!
32 weeks 

Now we are planning for delivery! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?! 
 Seeing baby is due during the summer my intended parents are going to give me and the kids a vacation to stay near them for a few weeks. This will make it more relaxing for me and my IP's to not have to worry about them missing the delivery, and make for a fun end to this pregnancy for my family :)
This upcoming trip is also giving me something exciting to take my nesting out husband is appreciating any distraction from me continuing to nest on our house lol 

Please continue to pray for my family and my IPs family as we all prepare for June :)

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