Sunday, April 9, 2017

Easter Egg Hunt and Making Crayons

We took our Easter Bunnies to our Church Easter Party
 Little bunny hunted for eggs with his cousins while sister headed to the big kids side of the field
 Then we headed inside for some games
James decided he'd rather what and eat candy while sister made a necklace
Then spent sometime hanging with his cousin Zia's grandma Rosa 
While Jenna played tug a war with Pastor... she won, because she had God/Joni on her side ;)
James joined back in when he found our there was orbeez balls to play with!

Then we headed to lunch....Chey is super impressed with Jenna trying to eat with those glasses on as you can see lol

after jumping in the jump houses 
we headed back to Promise Land to grab all the broken crayons from my classroom.
What for? To make more crayons ;)
 1st you soak them in warm water to make the wrappers come off
 then you break them into small pieces, and put them in different candy molds
make sure the crayons and molds stay dry (lesson learned on our 1st batch)
 Bake at 230 for 20 mins 
Then cool for 20+ mins
 ta-da cute crayons sure to entertain toddlers lol 
The true test to a successful day is an easy bedtime :)

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