Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Thank you

Last night I was standing at the back door sipping tea watching Jenna do every gymnastic trick she knows on our trampoline when Mike came up behind me and said, “I love our life so much babe"! Then he asked "don't you"?
At the moment I just took it in and smiled at him, but all day today I have been thinking about those words. As a busy American human I tend to forget to stop and think about what I have, especially when I have a goal in mind I forget about the blessings in front of me. But I am really am so happy that my husband is happy, that my daughter has parents who can afford to put her in 2- 2 hour classes a week just to learn to do flips on the trampoline, that Mike and I could take a 4 day weekend this weekend together just because we wanted quality time with our kids and each other. I am so thankful for this life, for my best friend, and our kids. I am thankful for our supportive parents and awesome siblings who all adore our kiddos. For having fun friends, a great church, and people who make us smile. We have nice things, a great home, life in a free country and Love from God who has blessed us so immensely!
Today I feel overwhelmed with gratitude, and want to thank everyone who reads this for your part in my life!

Yes, Michael I love our life too!

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