Sunday, November 3, 2013

The week I became a real girl...

So based on the timelines (in my head) this weekend was supposed to be the weekend I found out I was pregnant...My brother and his wife are coming into town, and I had all these big ideas of how we could tell my family.
Last Monday I woke up sick to my stomach to the point Mike had to take Jenna to school for me. Then Tuesday this girl who gets teased for my inability to cry felt like crying about everything. Wednesday was the day... I was just making fun of my friend at work one minute, then went to the bathroom, and came back crying. Poor guy didn't know what to do with me.
Why was I crying? That's a good question, because I am still not sure what I thought it would accomplish.... But for the 1st time in my life I was a real girl! You see I got pregnant with my 1st child before ever having this problem, and then got an IUD 6 weeks after she was born.
My husband was great about it, and went shopping for all the things I would need... it's not like I could tell him what to get, because I had no idea! He took me to lunch to try to cheer me up, and helped me out the best he could to stay positive.

Well it definitely took a few days to come to terms with the fact that I am again not pregnant, but now I know that this will help so much with getting there in the future! I have a friend who tried for 8 months before getting pregnant with her perfect little boy, so she is my go to person when I have these days. She suggested that every time it's a "no" I do the things I couldn't do pregnant for a day as a consolation prize.
So Saturday when my hybrid 3 days as a real girl were over I had a pot of coffee (yep the whole pot), then Mike and I went shopping, had Sushi, and then to a Masquerade Party with some great friends.

I woke up Sunday extremely excited for the future! I downloaded an app (Kindara) that my friend from work and his wife use to keep track of when you are a real girl, and when it’s Go Time on the baby making front ;)
Here we go month 3!!

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