Thursday, August 14, 2014

Throwback Thursday Pregnancy Addition!

As I close in on week 40 of this dream come true I have gone from euphorically happy to be pregnant with Michael's son to being completely worn out and ready to not be pregnant with Michael's son! I haven't been able to accomplish much this week at all...
 Thankfully I had everything that needed to be done finished weeks ago! 
Now it is just a waiting game... 
In the mean time to stop stressing about when the actual moment will arrive I decided to look back on all the wonderful memories I have over the last 9 months, and I can honestly say I wouldn't change a thing about this pregnancy! All the up, downs, and growing outs were this perfect experience of falling in love over and over again with a little boy I haven't met yet, and his daddy who gave him to me! 

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