Saturday, December 27, 2014

I'll Be Home For Christmas...

James's 1st Christmas was great!
The night before the kids made a trap for us around the tree then passed out on the office floor waiting to catch us.
 They missed us walking by with a 60 inch smart TV, hiding a PlayStation in the TV stand, and a tree full of presents.
 The kids woke up way to early... 
The Scream about the TV got us up! 
Then they played with each other while
 Daddy and I made breakfast!

Then we opened gifts!
They were all super happy with their gifts... 

 Jamie really liked the wrapping ;)
The older kids found PlayStation controllers in their stockings, and the spent the next hour playing games :) 
 And Jamie got a bunch on new toys to hang on his "play station" :)
Then we had them get dressed for the day, and sit down for their 
Biggest Gift!!
 It took them a minute to figure out that what they were reading was...
 The building and lot plans for...
They were so excited and immediately 
wanted to go see where it is! 
James was asleep by the time we got to the site, so he isn't in this picture. I plan to post updates as it is built over the next few months, so I am sure he will make it in one :)

2014 was a dream really, but now I am so excited for this next chapter for the Reece Family! 
Please keep us in your prayers the next few months... 
next week especially as we move out, Mike leaves, and we break ground on our home all at the same time!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas from the Reece Family!

Merry Christmas from our family to yours! 
We pray that your week is full of smiles, laughter, and that you have a safe and wonderful time with the ones that you love!!
 Thing 3's 1st Christmas 
He is going to get spoiled with lots of wrapping paper ;)

Thing 1 and 2
are 8 years old this Christmas!
This will be their 6th Christmas together as brother and sister!!!
They are such a blessing!

 Kade is a football fan like his daddy and rocking the 3rd Grade!
Jenna is our basketball star and is excited for her 4th season to start next month!

 Michael and I are going on 5 years of living our happily ever after, and both agree 2014 was the best year yet!

 The kids are getting exciting news for one of their Christmas presents, and then we will share with everyone else!
 Until they I will be enjoying this cute face!
Loving on his great daddy, 
and spoiling his sweet sister and brother!

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night ;)

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Thing 3 is Four Months Old!

Last week our little sweet Jimmy Jam turned 4 months!
His 4 month check up was today, and he did great & is perfectly healthy!

Height/Weight: Our strong boy is weighing in at 14 lbs and is 25.5 inch long with a 41 CM head :)

Routine: We have a great "flexible" routine that is taking a hit in the next few weeks, because we won't have to wake up to take Jenna to school. 
We will see how it goes, but I think James won't mind to much seeing he is less than a fan of his car seat!
Sleeping: He is a great sleeper! He has occasional nights that he wakes up, but mostly sleeping from about 10pm - 5am then again till we wake him up in the am. 
We took a Jenni June (check out her site if you have a small one! She has great tips!!) sleep class while I was still pregnant, and decided to follow her recommendations on teaching James to sleep. He takes 2 naps a day, is put to bed before showing "signs of being sleepy", and is not played with in the middle of the night if he wakes up hungry (I feed him of course, but don't want to teach him to play at night). He is sleeping in his own bed now.
 I feed him in my bed then daddy or I move him once he is asleep. 

Eating/Feeding: He consistently eats every 3 hours unless he is sleeping now. He prefers a bottle when he is wide awake, but if he is sleepy he wants his mom!
 He learned to hold his own bottle :) He only gets to do it when someone is next to him still, but I am excited for getting things done while he eats :)
Sizes: He is already in 6 month (and some 9 month) clothing, and up to size 2 in diapers! 
Milestones: This last month has been one amazing learning moment to another! He had officially gone from an infant to an observant little human ;)
It's so much more fun seeing him change from month to month! My favorite is watching how he interacts with everyone around him! He will babble on to everyone he meets :)
 He learned the fun of showers :) 
His favorite part is staying naked after, and playing with his wet hands and feet!
How to take a nap while Christmas shopping 
Not Santa's most helpful elf ;)
How to take selfie, and the awesomeness of the I-phone ;)
 I don't remember when Jenna started teething, but I think James may soon. He drools lots, and likes to chew on anything he can manage to get in his mouth whether it is his toys, my hand, or his piggy toes ;) And he can get anything he picks up into his mouth!
 He loves to sit up, and if you lay him back he will do little crunches until he gets up :)

He also learned to roll over though often gets stuck on his arm lol 
He is such a joyful baby, 
and we are all so excited for his 1st Christmas! 

Monday, December 15, 2014

Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree

This weekend was such an exciting one!
 Most of it can't be shared until after Christmas, but here are some of the highlights ;)
Saturday was Mike's squadron Christmas Party! Seeing it was at a hotel we got a room for our amazing babysitter to watch the kids close by, and a room for my hubby and I. 
 It was great to catch up with everyone, and enjoy the evening kid free :)
The next morning James made friends at breakfast :)
Not going to lie it was fantastic to have breakfast while other people entertained the kiddos!
After taking Jenna swimming at the hotel we went too see Grandma Sue and 
Grandma and Grandpa Martin
 Next was my adorable nephew Wyatt's 3rd Birthday Party! 
 It was tons of fun, and all the babies got spoiled :)
 Then me and my loves went and looked at Christmas lights :)