Monday, June 22, 2015

Thing 3 is Ten Months Old

As you can see he is not much for sitting down these days!
 He loves to brush his hair (well hair/head/face whatever)
And playing with cars
He goes broom broom whenever he sees them!
Height/Weight: At his 9 month check up on 6/9/15 he was weighing in at 21.5 (74.4 percentile) and was 28.5 inches long (42.6 percentile)

Routine: We are loving summer here in this Reece House! I have never had a time in my life that it was so easy to keep up with things. I have gone weeks caught up on house work and laundry! Needless to say this stay at home mom gig is kinda nice! 
We try to get out in the sun at least once a day, so we have been trying all the parks in Nampa, having play dates, walking downtown to the library, and getting to know our new neighbors. 
James is still on the same sleep/food/bath schedules, but luckily is a flexible little man to make time for having a busy big sister!
oh the difference 10 months can make!
Sleeping: James is a great sleeper, and I am so glad he likes his crib so much! We have also learned this summer that he loves to sleep in his stroller, so we will take walks at nap time.

Eating/Feeding: Pretty much the same on the food front. Eating solids 3 times a day and snacks though out (mostly when I need to entertain him lol)
He did however experience his 1st gluten at the water park last week, and I don't think he will ever give it up now! He was so impressed with that bread stick he would scream if we tried to take it away!
Sizes: He is rocking 12 month clothing and size 4 shoes 

This has been by far the biggest growth month for Mr. James!
He has learned to Walk and is quickly figuring out running!
He learned to not only go up our big flight of stairs, but can go down just a fast!
He can play the drum, brush his hair and teeth like a big boy, and can make car noises!
He loves dogs and barks (woo woo) at them when he sees them!
He raises his arms anytime you ask how big he is or say touchdown lol
He gives the best kisses ;)
He loves playing at the waterpark, and water pretty much anywhere!
I really can't express how in love with being his mom I am,
 or how much I am loving spending my days with my kids in the sun!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

A wonderful end to May!

This last week was a special one for the Reece Family!

Jenna had her last day of 2nd grade
We ended May with a splash!
Using our new Roaring Springs Season Passes ;)
Michael and I celebrated 5 years of Marriage, and some exciting news for our future! 

Then Sunday we had James dedicated to the Lord at Church
It is my deepest desire that all of my children grow up to be not just good Christian people, but ones who have a deep loving relationship with our lord Jesus Christ!
After his dedication we had a family BBQ. It brings me so much joy to see how loved my sweet boy is!

But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me,
 and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these".
Luke 18:16