Monday, October 26, 2015

Our New Journey: Surrogacy Part 3 - Questions Answered!

Since I started sharing with people that I am a Surro I have had lots of fun reactions and conversations. I also get a lot of questions (that I do not mind at all), so I decided to answer some that I get a lot to help friends understand Surrogacy a little better!

1. Don't you think it will be hard to give away your baby?
This is not my baby. Really! In no way is this baby related to me.
 Have you ever had a child in your life that you love, but they are not yours? You watch them for a long time and care what happens to them, but you are perfectly aware they are not yours. That is how I see Surrogacy. This is extreme babysitting. I am taking care of a friends baby while she can't, but one day in June it will be time for the baby to go home. And guess who won't have to change any diapers ;)

2. Won't it be hard to "be good" with eating and such seeing it is not your child?
No more than it was pregnant with my own kids. Just like I wouldn't hand your baby a glass of wine I sure am not going to do that to this baby. I went into this knowing that there would be hard parts, but being "good" isn't a worry at all. 

3. Do you have to do shots?
Yep, and that was the part I feared the most. Which made is a nice surprise when it wasn't that bad at all. I explain the Medications a little in Our New Journey: Surrogacy Part 2
For the most part Mike gave me the shots, so that helps. The injection it's self doesn't even hurt. 
The 1st 2 days of Lupron I was sick to my stomach, but that's because I am super smart and was doubling my dosage... once fixed I had no other reaction. 
The Progesterone is the biggest, but now I can give it to myself (thanks to Sara for making me be a big girl when Mike deployed). It caused some back pain the 1st few days, and occasionally would sting a bit after injection. 
Other than that I had no problems or bad reactions! Thank you Jesus!

4. You are a saint for doing this... ok not a question, but I do have a response.
Nope, not really. It is something I felt called to do, and something I am excited to do. 
Yes, I think that being a parent is the greatest blessing. But it is not all selfless. My intended parents are making it possible for my family to have a financial buffer, so I can stay home with James until he starts school (at least). This is an amazing gift they are giving me! I loved working, but when James was born leaving him in daycare was not something Mike and I were willing to let happen. We planned ahead, and were financially ready for him... but this will give us flexibility when the unseen life things happen.

5. Will you do it again?
Not a clue ;) 
The meds? Yep I could? The transfer? Sure it was a breeze!
 But there is a lot to come, so ask me again in a year or so :)

6. Any questions about my Intended Parents.
Though I will say I love them, and can't wait to have their baby. I won't say much more. For the reason that "it is not my business to share".  The surrogacy part is my story, but this is their family's story! That is a lot bigger! 

7. What made you decide to do this?
That is kind of hard to answer to anyone who doesn't believe in God, because I really believe that he had it in store for my life. Every last detail right down to my intended parents.
Being a parent is the best gift in life, and I get to help God grow that gift for 2 amazing people!  

The owner of Rocky Mountain Surrogacy said that she was a Surro because 
Everyone deserves to hear "I love you, Mommy"
And that is reason enough for me :)

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