Sunday, April 9, 2017

Happy Palm Sunday

I just love our church family! Especially our Children's Pastors!
After hanging out yesterday at church having fun
 at the Easter Egg Hunt 
today my kids got to be apart of sharing the
 REAL Easter Celebration 
with the congregation during their Palm Sunday program!
James loved getting to practice and hang our with the older kids. 

 These are some cuties from my preschool class.

Side note: 
Are arranged marriages biblical? ;)

Jenna's age group did so beautifully,
 and I pretty much cried through the whole thing!
Between songs testimonies were shared of God's miracles
 in different families' lives! 
It was a lovely way to celebrate our Lord who is still ALIVE, and he is working in our homes today!

At the end parents through out the congregation stood up with signs reminding others
 the miracle that our families and children are! 

My kids are 3 of my favorite miracles from God!

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