
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Ultrasound #2 and a due date!

We had our 2nd ultrasound this morning with the Maternal Fetal Specialist! She took a whole CD full of pictures for us, did lots of different measurements, found our baby's heartbeat (170 nice and strong), and even was able to get video of our little peanut squirming around (active little one for being only 11 weeks)!!!!
Oh and gave us a due date of August 18th!

Monday, January 27, 2014

My 1st Trimester Must Haves

As I am getting further into my 1st Trimester and feeling better I decided to make a list of 10 things that got me to this point, so that maybe someone else going through the same thing can find help!
1. A support System! Obviously my husband is my main support person (that is why the picture of us), but I have a great group of friends and family who take care of me. I have a few girlfriends that I can count on getting a text from at least one of them each day checking on me, and just knowing someone cares and having someone to complain to can be so uplifting! My husband has taken on the roles of mom, cook, and maid some days so that I can just rest! My family has been great about helping with Jenna, and helping me find food I can eat! And my management staff and team at work has been amazing about working around how I am feeling and taking care of me while I am at work! Get a good support system it makes everything better!  
2. Chex! I eat gluten free, so your normal saltine crackers are not an option. I wanted something that I could keep in a baggy with me and keep on my night stand. Chex has been my thing! I found that the honey nut is not to flavorful to set off any food aversion, but there are lots of flavors to choose from if honey is not for you!
3. Tums! I have never had heartburn before (other than pregnancy with Jenna) , but certain foods set it off without warning. The Tums smoothies are definitely the best, and way less chalky!  I have a regular sized bottle at home and they make a purse sized one for on the go. If you find no relieve from Tums my midwife said that Zantac is safe for baby and last longs, so check with your provider to see if it will work for you.
4. Prego Pops! My sweet friend Megan surprised me with a pack of pops at our last play date.  They are great when you need something, but are not ready to eat! They are also great if you crave sour stuff! You can get them at Motherhood and Natural Grocers
5. Water! I can’t get enough! My midwife explained that there are a few reasons that water is huge need during pregnancy. I wanted to share them, so I did some research, and this link WATER explains what she told me much better then I would! I'm a smart water snob, and found that Costco carries the big bottles that last longer in packs for ½ the price as I was buying them at other stores individually. I love their water, but also love that you can wash the bottle and reuse it multiple times without it getting damaged like most brands. Then I can have water with me all the time!
6. Banana Popsicles! I am not sure why, but one night in the middle of a nausea spell I asked Mike to get banana popsicles… and they help so much. When you are too sick to think of a food to eat, but have to put something in your stomach to help, these work. They are cold, and quick to eat, and don’t have a lot of flavor. The 1st time he got the box with cherry and root beer in it, because that is all he could find. After looking other places we found that Fred Meyers has just banana ones!
7. Chewy Prenatal! Prenatal vitamins are so important, but are hard to swallow when not feeling well. I still have the prenatal that I was taking while TTC, but on off days having something on hand that I don’t have to swallow is so helpful! They have DHA, folic acid, Iron, all the other good stuff, and most importantly they taste good!
8. Renew Lotion (and soap)! So it may be the winter and not pregnancy but my skin has been dry, and I want to stay super moisturized anyways to help my skin with the growing it will be doing. However I cannot do strong smells. Renew is a Melaleuca Brand and it is recommended for all kinds of skin conditions. It is Gluten free which is awesome, and it is not scented!  So I can be soft without making myself gag J
9. Your Pregnancy Book and Your Pregnancy for the Father to be Book! Mike and I wanted to get a book set that would help us understand some of what is going on, help us be prepared, help me with working out safely, and help him with being a good support! These books are so helpful and we have enjoyed reading them together. I got mine at the Ada Library and his at Hastings, but have seen them most any store that carries books. 
10. Downton Abbey! Or any slow paced show sweet show. I was so sick one night, and the idea of watching an action movie was exhausting. Mike suggested Downton... I wasn't sure I would like it, but ended up loving it. Its a great cuddle up and relax kind of show. Find something that can take your mind off of the nausea while keeping your spirits up! 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Great Weekend!

Mike started the 3 day weekend by spoiling me rotten! He took me out to a nice dinner...which alone is sweet, but he got there early and had it set up so that I could come straight from work and the minute I sat down they gave us our appetizer :) If you have ever been pregnant you know how sick you are asking to get if you wait to long to eat!! Then after dinner he gave me presents :) A Snoogle (a giant pregnancy pillow to make sleeping easier), and some colored maternity pants (because I was sad that I wasn't going to get to wear all my cute colored jeans while I was pregnant), and the sweetest letter about how excited he is to have a baby with me the only woman he has ever really loved :)  It was the perfect pick me up to my hormonal day! 
Saturday we went Shopping and bought our crib (I am so excited I will post pics when it is delivered), and spent the day together just enjoying life...and eating a lot :)
That night we got our kiddos back, and took them to The BSU Basketball Game! It was a blast! Mike and Jenna have gone a few times, but this was our 1st time as a family! The kids were so into it, and BSU won at the very last minute! 
 Sunday was the playoffs which in the Reece House means Church and Football are the only thing we do! It was fun we had my best friend and her kids over and vegged out all day! Sadly my Pats lost, but I like the Broncos so I am looking forward to watching them play the Sea Chickens in the Super Bowl!
The kids had a sleep over and Monday was a much needed relaxing, clean up the house, watch my kids play, cuddle with my man kind of day! 

Happy Civil Rights day to all my fellow Americans! I hope your weekend was blessed, and full of reminders why living in a country where all people are equal and free is so amazing! 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Belly bump 2- 9 weeks

Maternity clothes? Yes... I received quite a few gift cards for Christmas, so I decided that it was a perfect reason to get a few things. Kade (the only other person who like clothing in my house) was so excited about this dress with a huge heart on it that I had to buy it ...even though it is a bit much for my taste :)

Stretch marks? Nope

Sleep: Ummm... all the time lol! Mike has been so great about  taking care of everything going on when I need to stop living to sleep (or at least lay down).

Best moment this week: 1st Doctors Appointment! I will post more about the appointment separately, but it was truly perfect.

Have you told family and friends: Family and close friends know. 

Miss Anything?Days before having to eat every hour, but I have been blessed to have a husband who will go get food no matter the time of day and carry food in his pocket so I can eat in church :) 

Movement: Way too soon

Food cravings: Banana popsicles, toast, proteins with low flavor like eggs, chicken salad, and cashews. Nothing about chocolate is appealing, and I don't like anything with strong smells.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Smells... like all of them...mostly anything really minty (so I had to get orange toothpaste.. gross I know)

Gender prediction: It's funny! I tell Mike, "maybe I want a boy" and he says," I was just thinking a girl would be great"... I guess we have no idea we just want a baby!

Labor Signs: Way too soon for this question

Belly Button in or out? In where it belongs!

Wedding rings on or off? On! Actually as much as the rest of me is growing my ring is currently to big? 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Still ecstatic to be having Mike's baby!! But then for some reason unknown to me I can literally start crying for no reason some days. The other day I am standing in our walk in staring at my clothes, Mike came in to ask if I was okay, and I just started crying that I wasn't going to fit in any of my clothes anymore....crazy right!! Mike reminded me this just means that I get to go shopping but wow it was out of nowhere!

Looking forward to: My next ultrasound, and narrowing down an exact due date! 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Got Mail

Thing 3 received his/her 1st gift in the mail from
 our sweet friends Jammie and Barry! 
Isn't it adorable?!? 

We really are so blessed to have so many great friends in our life that are going to care about our baby!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

1st Appointment

We had our 1st doctors appointment this last week! Mike and I took the day off, went to the appointment, then went shopping for baby stuff (which is weirdly so much fun).
This was our 1st appointment for the baby and with the midwife we decided on, so we went it not sure what to expect. We honestly couldn't have asked for a better experience! The office is so warm and welcoming, the staff was super nice, everything was done in one room (from blood work to the ultrasound), and we got to see our baby! Holding my darling's hand while watching that fast tiny heartbeat may have been the most breathtaking moment of our marriage so far! 

They gave us a few pregnancy books and magazines, a gift cards for a free nursing pillow, sling, and nursing cover, and a pregnancy journal. For every question we had they got us literature for us from what medications are okay for me to take, information on genetic testing, to making and sticking to a birth plan! 
We spent awhile just getting to know our midwife, and how their practice works. She partners with an OB that I get to meet also, so if for some reason something goes wrong I have both on Baby's Reece's team! 
They made my next appointment with their ultrasound specialist to get all the pictures of baby we want, and to get us an exact due date seeing I never started having obvious signs of "being a real girl". 
Until then we are starting to master this pregnancy thing! Mike does breakfast in the mornings and gets Jenna out the door, so that I can take my time and get ready in steps while eating :) Mike is "forcing" me to eat super healthy, rest a lot, and take fish pill, so his baby can have a big brain lol....And I am happily letting him take such good care of me and our baby! 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Telling the family!!

After we told the kids it is easier to let them tell family then to swear them to secrecy...

The next evening we had my little sister (our family photographer) and her boyfriend Josh over for dinner to tell them. They got to know 1st because they were not going to be over on our family night, and we wanted to borrow Grace's talent for a few pictures :)

 The next morning Mike's mom and sister Mandi came over for us to spend some holiday fun with them.
 We let the kids give them each a gift to tell them. They were excited,and my mother in law brought us to get the PF Chang's for lunch I was craving :) 

Then the next day was family day with my parents and 2 of my 3 other sisters. My mom's reaction was priceless she was so happy! My dad wanted details, my step dad gave me the best congratulations hug, and my sisters were as always supportive! 

My sister Eva found out on Christmas...sadly she opened her gift while I was off being sick and pregnant! But she has been checking on me and promises to love my baby more then all the other babies ever lol 
We skyped my Father and Mother in-law in Utah! My Father in-laws smile made my day, and his reaction was exactly what I said it would be... "It's a Scott" :)
The rest of our siblings live out of state, so we sent them a picture in the mail! 
I want to wait till after our 1st appointment to tell our grandparents, because they (my sweet grandma especially) will have more questions then anyone else. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Telling Thing 1 and 2

We decided that the 1st people who should know should be the kids. We weighed the pros and cons to telling them now or later, and decided that telling them now was best for our family for some of the following reasons. 
  • We know that "people" say telling kids before the end of the 1st trimester is not safe, but we know people who have lost babies all the way up to birth. We would rather tell them now, and be honest with them about how I am feeling, what is going on, and tell them like all life this baby is in God's hands to decide if it comes to earth or stays with him.
  • Jenna and I are really close, and she knows when something is wrong with me. We felt like it was best to keep ahead of her questions or worry. 
  • We didn't want me to start showing or have someone else tell them, and leave them feeling left out. 
  • This is such an exciting time, and we want them to get to be as much apart of it as possible. 
  • We really try to make Kade feel as much apart of our family as possible, but with us only having him every other weekend that doesn't always work. We didn't want him to find out after Jenna, or because someone else told him. We feel like he may struggle the most with a new baby, and wanted him to know he is just as much the baby's family as anyone!
Seeing it is Christmas Season we decided to play that into how we told them. We have a yearly tradition to get the kids an ornament and new pj's on our "Christmas eve" with Kade. 
We sat them down, and told them they have one last ornament to hang. 
I asked, "Jenna what year is it"? "2013", she said.  
Then I asked, "Kade what year will next Christmas be"? "2014", he said. 
Then Michael handed them this

They read it... 

And then their eyes got big, and they danced!

Safe to say they were pretty excited! Jenna wants a girl to play dolls with and Kade wants a brother to wrestle. Jenna kept asking questions about the babies name, and Kade was more interested in what the baby was making me feel like! It was such great thing to get to see their faces get excited for our future baby!
I am glad they get to be apart of this! 

Telling Daddy

So my hubby is the doer of all things Laundry in the Reece Home. I am an OCD cleaner who keeps my house clean most all the time, and I actually really enjoy doing it, but laundry ... not so much! So my sweet man over time just took it over, and without complaint I must add :) Seeing I know that most nights he moves a load of laundry in evening when I am getting Jenna ready for bed I added a present to the load in the dryer... and just waited....

Just folding clothes... then...
HIM: "Babe, what is this"?
ME: " Well I should have got short sleeve seeing
 our newborn wont want to wear long sleeves in August"....
HIM: "Wait are you pregnant"
ME: Smile and nod
HIM: "We did it"! He literally gave me a high five before giving me a kiss lol 
We spent the rest of the night wrapping our heads around everything that we needed to do in the next 9 months, and dreaming of all the fun to come!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Belly Bump-1

How far along? I am not positive. We found out we are expecting 2 weeks ago, so haven't been to the doctor to confirm yet. 

Total weight gain/loss: I have no clue! I honestly haven't weighed myself for months, so I will have to start with what I weigh at my 1st appointment :)

Maternity clothes? Nope, but scarfs are a must to cover up the only on me that looks pregnant!

Stretch marks? Nope

Sleep: Is okay, but once I am awake (no matter how early) I am awake, and have to eat!

Best moment this week: Telling my hubby the news!

Have you told family and friends: Not yet, but we are planning how we will tell them... probably on Christmas

Miss Anything? Just my morning Coffee, but peppermint tea is my new love!

Movement: Way too soon

Food cravings: Eggs, Egg Salad, Eggs and Bacon, shrimp anything

Anything making you queasy or sick: The smell of beef! Luckily we stopped eating beef in our home years ago, but other people warming it up at work is so bad!

Gender prediction: Mike things boy and I think girl... big shocker right lol

Labor Signs: Way too soon for this question

Belly Button in or out? In where it belongs!

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: So happy all the time... I mean I AM HAVING HIS BABY! How could I not be lol

Looking forward to: Telling everyone!!

That Weekend

• I woke up feeling like there was a ton of brinks lying on my chest... I looked in the mirror, and it was scary! Who knew the 1st place you start showing is not your stomach?!?!
• It was a normal Friday morning then I went into work at 1pm, but by I don't know 2pm wanted to take a nap!
• That night we had my team Christmas Party, and there was tons of yummy food! Problem is all I could think about eating was egg salad :( Yuck Right?!?

• We have a Saturday morning tradition. I lay in bed like a lazy butt while Michael makes breakfast, and then we eat in bed while the kids play. Well way too early I woke up and wanted eggs so bad, so I thought it would be sweet to make him breakfast in bed for a change!
• Mike noticed the Twins today... his reaction was a lot less WTH and more Heck YES!! LOL
• We went shopping, and I was so tired we checked into our hotel early instead of finishing our Christmas list. Mike even bought me new shoes to encourage me to shop, but all I wanted to do was sit down.
• That night we went to my favorite restaurant The Melting Pot! Yum yum yum... I wish they had egg salad on the menu :(

• We were supposed to get to sleep in all morning in our nice comfy hotel, but I woke up and literally had to eat... you guessed it EGGS!
• I decided I will be wearing scarfs no matter what for a while to cover up whatever was going on with my chest’s growth pattern!
• Mike went to the store to get some cough meds for Thing 2, and grabbed a test without me even asking him to. (We had decided that we were not testing this month seeing we had an appointment with a fertility specialist on the 30th).
• Most nights after we put Thing 2 to bed we sit and watch a show while we have some ice cream... this time I had egg salad...

I woke and decided enough is enough with the egg salad, and I would take a test...
I was nervous that I was wrong... I didn't even have pregnancy symptoms with my 1st pregnancy until 9 weeks, and I didn't want to be making them up based on hope. I prayed the whole 2 minutes, took a deep breath...
I am not a fan of that whole "let me pee on a stick, and then show the world that pee stick", so I will just tell you...
We are pregnant!!

I spent the day counting hours until I could go home and tell the man I love. I doodled and daydreamed most of the day, and accomplished very little actual case work!
I did this on my folder as the way to tell a good friend who struggled to conceive who supported me through the last few month seeing she calls me the "Airman's bride" :)

We will be telling family before I post this, but I am so glad you are all a part of my journey!!!!!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Busy Busy Busy

It has been way to long! I have so much going on and so much to tell everyone, but I will do that a later day!
 For now I hope that everyone had a great holiday season!

We had a fun Christmas, the kids were spoiled, and we added a new fluffy member to our family! I wasn't feeling great, and felt bad that the kids were not getting my 100% on Christmas until Kade stood on the couch and yelled, "This is the BEST CHRISTMAS EVER"! Then I stopped worrying about the little things, and just enjoyed the smiles of my beautiful family!

We stayed in on New Years Eve! We had my best friend and her 2 monsters over for our own little New Years Pizza party :) The kids played, did fire works, had ice cream, and stayed up till midnight...Kade did better then Jenna haha. Then we watched the ball drop on TV, 
toasted our babies, kissed, and slept till noon the next day!  

 Mike and I took most of the last 2 weeks off, and it was great to just relax. We had a few play dates with friends, built our 1st snow fort, went ice skating, and spend one weekend just Mike and I! All in all I feel completely blessed, and can't wait to spend 2014 with all of the amazing people in my life!