Wednesday, July 23, 2014

36 weeks brings a Midwife Appointment, a Baby Shower, and an Empathy Belly!

To kick off week 36 I had my weekly appointment with our midwife. Everything is looking fantastic :) I had my strep B test, and will get those results back this week. Baby boy is head down and has dropped (THANK GOD I CAN BREATH AGAIN). I am not dilated or effaced at all, and Baby's heart beat is 140. It looks like I will be pregnant for at least a week longer.
Then I went into work for my awesome team to throw me a baby shower! It was such a great afternoon getting even the guys involved in baby talk and diaper decorating :)
I got some awesome gifts, and my management team gave us a gift card to get the last big item that we need from our registry before baby gets here!
Thank you again to everyone who came and who made it special!
Oh and outside of gifts my AMAZING supervisor Carolyn got me a snow cone machine! John was a trooper and made snow cones for the shower... if he ever doesn't make it as a caseworker the Snow Shack would be lucky to have him ;)
I only had 2... well 3, but the 3rd one was small ;)

My sweet friend Nicole has been such a blessing of support through my whole pregnancy, and she was the one to take charge of planning the shower. Her creativity shined in the cute decor and fun food and games

That evening was our 4th Birthing class! It was the best class so far, because this week Michael got the pleasure of being pregnant too :) Our teacher wrapped his chest in a tight band to make it hard to breath, then put a heated belly with an attachment to squish his bladder on him. Then he got to pick things up, lay down then get back up, and other fun pregnancy trials :)
I ended the day cuddled up watching the lighting storm (which is one of my favorite things)
 with my baby daddy! It really was a wonderful day!
 I am glad everything is staying so happy through this pregnancy I feel very blessed!

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