
Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Spring Has Sprung!

We are loving the sunshine here in at the Reece House!
 It has been a great start to spring! Here is some of the fun we've been having!
Lots of swimming and working out at the Rec!

Lots of family walks around the neighborhood, and to the Greenbelt with our little super baby lol

Family bonding with our big kids!

A trip to the Boise Art Museum
 And to the Discovery Zone!
The kids impressed us during their Easter Program at church!

We celebrated Grandpa Bob's 76th Birthday!
And James decided he likes feeding people dinner instead of being fed

We went to an Easter Celebration at Uncle Bobby and Aunt Stevie's house

The kids had a scavenger hunt to find their Easter Presents! 
And grandpa Scott taught James the joy of Easter Candy ;)
We colored eggs with family!
And had an Easter Egg hunt at Grandma Sue's house!
James just liked that there was MM's in his eggs, and didn't care about his gifts lol

Then we made sure to bring the Easter Holiday's true meaning back to Jesus freeing us from our sins with his death and resurrection with a fun church event walking them through the life of Christ!
I grew huge, and James has learned that he gets kicked if he cuddles with my surro baby bump ;)

The kids played pie face on the tramp...well the mostly just ate the pie!

 Jenna has started her spring basketball training for Club Ball!
James has started showing me what he really thinks of having his picture taken...
 Mike and I have gone on a few dates
We went to a western dinner murder mystery dinner which was very entertaining
I am very excited for all the rest spring is sure to bring especially more time getting to spend as a stay at home mom and wifey cuddling with this little man in the sun everyday!

Love this man!

This last weekend Mike took me out on a date to our new favorite restaurant Ruth's Chris! 
We were just sitting there deciding what to order based on what the other person likes so that we could share when I realized I love marriage.
I know he likes meat, so I have learned to love trying every restaurant in town's crab cakes as our appetizers. 
And he knows that I like dessert better than food, so he orders me Key Lime pie and Crème Brûlée!
We just go together. We just understand each other. 
We no longer have to pretend to be something we are not, and we just get to grow into something better together!
I love that we can just talk all night, and it doesn't have to be forced. I love that he knows when to take my hand, and what to say when I need comfort.
I love how hard he works, and how much he loves his job! I love getting to watch him succeed at all he does! He got TSgt last year, and last month was given a new position as mission director! 
The best part is how hott my husband looks when he comes home in uniform!!!
 Better than him in uniform is seeing him with our kids! I couldn't imagine a better dad! It doesn't matter what he has going on that day he is the 1st to read, play, and cuddle our kids! He lives for them, and I love everything about his love for them! 
 Mike has taught our kids at a young age a joy for physical activity, and they all love working out with him... I don't get it, but it is fun to watch them all do sit ups and push ups together at night!
 Growing up I use to picture the dad my kids would have, but I couldn't have imagined God had such a good one in store for me! 
 Even with how hard he works he also gets up early to do homework for he next degree, takes care of our house and yard after work, makes sure I get time to relax, builds all the crazy pintrest ideas I find, and always makes me breakfast in bed on the weekends so I can sleep in! 
As we come in on our 6th wedding anniversary next month I just can't help but thank God for this wonderful man he put in my life to lead me, care for me, and to be my forever!

I love you Michael, and am so proud of all you do!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Our New Journey: Surrogacy Part 5- 3rd Trimester update

Surrogacy is going beautifully and faster than I could have imagined...
 I may be a little sad when it is all over :( 
Pregnancy itself is well... pregnancy lol 
Other than the general discomforts from putting on 20lbs over 32 weeks, and easily fixed heartburn things are going super smoothly! It is definitely different to be pregnant when you have a 1 year old to chase, but otherwise things are pretty similar to my pregnancy with James.

I have been taking pictures in the same dress, so my IP's can see how baby girl and I are growing. I started posting some of the pictures on my last Surro update: Our New Journey: Surrogacy Part 4
23 Weeks
26 Weeks 
I Lost my toes at 27 Weeks :(
29 weeks
My intended mother came and protected me from Mike's shenanigans on April Fools ;)
It was so fun to spend the day with her just talking about our kids! The very best part was getting to see her sweet little girl! I truly can not wait for my IPs to get to meet their baby!
32 weeks 

Now we are planning for delivery! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?! 
 Seeing baby is due during the summer my intended parents are going to give me and the kids a vacation to stay near them for a few weeks. This will make it more relaxing for me and my IP's to not have to worry about them missing the delivery, and make for a fun end to this pregnancy for my family :)
This upcoming trip is also giving me something exciting to take my nesting out husband is appreciating any distraction from me continuing to nest on our house lol 

Please continue to pray for my family and my IPs family as we all prepare for June :)