Friday, September 27, 2013

Happy Anniversary!

It was our 3 Year part 2 anniversary this week, and I am happier then ever to be married to my Michael! We took a few days off to just enjoy each other kid free, went out with friends one night, and spent most of the time doing things to remember why we are best friends. On our official anniversary we stayed in bed late, watched movies, ate junk food, and then went dream shopping for all the plans we have for our future! 
About 3 weeks before our anniversary Michael gave my anniversary gift! 
The keys to a 2014 Toyota Camry Hybrid LE!! He made sure it will fit all 3 of our kids =] while saving us ton a month on gas (from our van that got 17 miles to now getting 44...a TON) Plus it gets free oil changes, maintenance, and car washes for 3 years! 

So the gift is actually that I get to put all that savings from our monthly car fund to our NEW BABY FUND!!
He gets his anniversary gift soon I hope! ;)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Wishing, hoping, planning, and praying!

I realize that we haven't been trying long at all, but I have never wanted something like this before! Both of our kids are from previous relationships, and to say they were not planned is a huge understatement. So far in life when I want something, I want it now, and it happens!
I wanted to marry Mike, so I did the next month. I am known at work for the speed I do things, if you want something done fast I am your girl. But this isn't something I get control over the speed at which I get it, and that has turned me a bit crazy!!!
Thankfully, I have a fantastic husband who knows how to handle me when I start to freak out, and can make me smile when I forget how happy I am that we are getting to experience the planning part of having a baby together!

Today I am just thankful that no matter what happens in our future baby's life he/she will have my passion, and a strong, patient, incredible daddy who will love us both so much!!
Until then he says we can pick names and go doctor shopping...YAY!! 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Let the baby making begin!

Like most couples Mike and I went into marriage with big dreams of our future together, and those definitely included having a child together. We both came into our marriage with a child, both loved being parents, and wanted to experience the joy of having a baby in a strong Christian Marriage! 
Well over the next years Mike and I took turns wanting, and not wanting a child at the time. Then one day I realized that the dream of being a mom was one given to me by God, and it was not going anywhere. I decided to tell Mike that I for sure wanted a baby thinking he would get mad I changed my mind, which is crazy cause Mike never really gets mad... Especially not at me! But I went ahead and put the ball in his court to decide what was best for our family. He prayed, we talked about everything that it would change, and we prayed.

A few days later Mike and I were officially on the exact same page!!

(We have a note board in our Kitchen that we write different love notes to each other, 
and give each other good news)

While making Jenna breakfast I looked up and read...

I melted… I cried…and I never cry! I called my husband to thank him for loving me & our future so much, and then called my doctor's office! 

So started the adventure of our baby!