Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Let the baby making begin!

Like most couples Mike and I went into marriage with big dreams of our future together, and those definitely included having a child together. We both came into our marriage with a child, both loved being parents, and wanted to experience the joy of having a baby in a strong Christian Marriage! 
Well over the next years Mike and I took turns wanting, and not wanting a child at the time. Then one day I realized that the dream of being a mom was one given to me by God, and it was not going anywhere. I decided to tell Mike that I for sure wanted a baby thinking he would get mad I changed my mind, which is crazy cause Mike never really gets mad... Especially not at me! But I went ahead and put the ball in his court to decide what was best for our family. He prayed, we talked about everything that it would change, and we prayed.

A few days later Mike and I were officially on the exact same page!!

(We have a note board in our Kitchen that we write different love notes to each other, 
and give each other good news)

While making Jenna breakfast I looked up and read...

I melted… I cried…and I never cry! I called my husband to thank him for loving me & our future so much, and then called my doctor's office! 

So started the adventure of our baby!

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