Monday, March 3, 2014

Bump 5- Midwife appointment- 16 weeks

How far along? 16 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 4lbs and growing 

Maternity clothes? Yes... I may never wear pants other than Maternity Pants again! After my appointment today Mike and I went shopping for maternity shorts and capri pants... I want summer already!!

Stretch marks? Nothing new. I am really liking my bump gloss and hope that it helps my skin grow like it needs to as my baby grows!

Sleep: Once I get comfortable I sleep great! Dreams are crazy though... I don't remember having such vivid dreams with Jennabelle! I literally wake up every morning having to question "did that really happen"?

Best moment this week: Today we got to have our 3rd appointment with the Midwife! She says everything looks perfect, and we got to hear our little love's heartbeat 150 :) This will be Mike's last appointment for awhile so she recorded it for us! 

Miss Anything? Mike and I went to dinner with our friends last weekend and I wanted Dr. Pepper so bad, but that has gone away thankfully! My dear sister Stevie got me some yummy pregnancy tea that gives me something to drink when I don't want water.

Movement: I can definitely feel my little butterfly at random moments through the day! Usually when I am laying down I can feel it the most! 

Food cravings: Well Lobster is expensive, so I have been substituting with shrimp or other kind of fish... Do you know how good crab stuffed Mahi Mahi is? My newest addition is GF blueberry muffins!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Still sensitive to smells, but nothing specific anymore. 

Labor Signs: My stomach will get rock solid randomly. My midwife said that it's normal, and just my body's early stage of getting ready for it's upcoming job

Belly Button in or out? In where it belongs!

Wedding rings on or off? On and still too big... I swelled a lot by this point with Jenna in my hands and feet, so I am feeling lucky that I have normal extremities this far :)

Happy or Moody most of the time: I have gone through a sad stage this week... probably because Mike is leaving, but my husband is the best at reminding me how blessed we are and pointing my thoughts to all the joy! He knows pictures make me happy, so we took some pregnancy pictures and that cheered me up for sure! 

Looking forward to: Getting to feel more movement, my next ultrasound (my mother in law and Jenna get to come), but mostly right now spending as much time as possible with my darling! We are spending the weeks before he leaves converting the room next to ours into a nursery... house shuffle! And we are taking a break this weekend for a little pre-deployment get away just the 2 of us!!!!

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