Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Holy Pregnancy Dreams Batman!

So I don't know if anyone else has experienced the "excitement" of pregnancy dreams, but wow they are a trip! 
I don't remember this with Jenna at all!
There is not a night that goes by that I don't have some kind of crazy dream. Each day I go to work and tell my friends about my management staff being the Jedi council with my favorite sup Korn being Yoda, my friend Jennifer (who doesn't want kids) having a baby instead of me, and then there was my latest dream... it's a recurring nightmare actually! 
I saw this pig fish picture on Facebook one night, and that is what I am blaming! Add a pig fish to Mike teasing me that we will have a curly red head baby and my fear of spiders... THIS IS WHAT YOU GET! Dream Jacqui giving birth to a Spider pig fish with red hair! Every time people see it they go on and on about how cute it is, and I am the only one who is completely terrified/disgusted!! I made my friends laugh so much they wanted to see a picture of the ugly little guy, so I attempted to replicate my dream... here you go ;)
Now please pray that God make my little he or she a perfectly normal human baby!! 

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