Sunday, April 13, 2014

Bump Update 7- 22 Weeks

How far along? 22 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: At my midwife appointment at 20 weeks I had gained 7lbs, but after being sick for a week at my appointment last week I had lost 3lbs. I have an appointment again this week, and I am honestly hoping that I am back up to my weight from 20 weeks. 

Maternity clothes? Of course! My favorites are some comfy cotton tops that Sara bought me, and Maxi skirts! 

Stretch marks? Nothing new

Sleep: I have slept more the last 2 weeks than I have in my whole adult life! I am definitely loving my snoogle pillow! It wraps around me and baby, and makes my new "shape" a lot easier to make comfortable ;) 

Best moment this week: I got to talk to Mike a bunch this week which always makes everything so much better!
This last weekend was so amazing! I started Saturday going to Kade's soccer game with Sara and my sister in law Mandi. Kade is doing great, and seems to really enjoy playing :)
 Then we took the kids to an Easter Egg Hunt at my family church! The kids had so much fun, and got enough candy to feed an Army! That night Sara, her sister in law Leanne, Mandi, I went to Red Robin and to see Captain America (I am in love with Black Widow). It was so nice to have a kid free girls night :)

Sunday Sara and I took the kids to church and then gardened all afternoon. It was so relaxing to be in the sun and use some of this 2nd trimester energy for good :)

Miss Anything? Still miss my Airman so much! We are almost down to 30 days left!!!! I missed food a lot last week, but I am eating just fine now! 

Movement: SO MUCH!! When I was in the hospital Baby kept kicking the monitor... so my kid :) Anytime I lay down I can feel my little gymnast and if I watch I can actually see baby move! 
Well big sister has decided she wants baby to know her, so she will lay in bed with me and talk to Thing 3 till she gets kicked :) It so sweet to watch how excited she is to meet her baby! 

Food cravings: ummm everything! I love food! No more food aversions just food excitement! I still like meat way more than I did pre pregnancy especially Red Robin's Royal Burger!  

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not since being sick last week. I am seriously feeling amazing now! 

Labor Signs: Nope. They put me on an IV last week to make sure that I didn't get dehydrated. Apparently it can put you into preterm labor, but me and baby made it out just fine :)

Belly Button in or out? Still in

Wedding rings on or off? On and it fits now

Happy or Moody most of the time: Life is good! My baby is growing, my daughter is at such a fun age, I get to see my son once a week even though Mike is gone, and even with our marriage exists via facetime my darling and I are doing so great! I had a lot of time to reflect not working last week and all I could think about is how blessed I am... it makes for a pretty happy outlook! 

Looking forward to: Jammie and I are planning my gender reveal party which happens after Mike comes home, so mostly looking forward to May! But for now I am looking forward to getting back to work this week, and for spoiling Jenna on Easter (Mike bought her a sweet gift and it should be here soon)!! 

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