Thursday, April 10, 2014

Counting Blessings

It has been a long week, but also has been such a blessing! I always try to stop when the dust settles on hard times to look at the big picture, and this time it was easy to see all the good! I was very sick for a few days, but in that time I had so much support it was clear to me how blessed I am!

I have a great husband with an awesome job that he loves that also has amazing health benefits, so I was able to stay in the hospital at no cost. And in my hubby's absence God made sure I was surrounded by love :)

I have a great family! My sister Grace showed up as soon as I needed her one morning to pick up Jenna. My brother drove me home one night, because I didn't feel up to it. My step dad drove all the way to Boise for me late one night even though he had to get up early the next morning. My mom dropped her entire day to sit with me in labor and delivery! And every member of my family helped keep Jenna having a good week while I could not!

I have an amazing team at work who checked on me daily... hourly between James and Nicole :) My boss was completely supportive of me, and everyone made me feel so cared for on my 1st day back today! 

My girlfriends rock! Sara took me to Kade's soccer game, so that I could see him (and got me new shirts to cheer me up). Jammie took Jenna bowling, so she could have fun while I wasn't feeling great (plus she brought me present for Nemo). Megan brought me one of my favorite treats and kept me company. All of my girls checked on me, and were willing to help with whatever I needed! 

Multiple people from Mike's work called to check on me and offered help... most of them live in Mountain Home, but were still there for me :) Thanks Joe, Chris, Jackie, Mandy, Sean, and everyone else from the RANS family who cares for us!

I truly feel so loved and so blessed! I want to thank everyone who text, called, messaged, offered to help, and had my back! There is no way to put into words how hard being without Mike is when I don't feel good, but knowing that I am taking care of removed so much of the burden!!!

Today was great and I am feeling much better! Ready for this weekend to catch up on smiles that I have missed with the huge amount of sleeping I did the last week! 
Thanks again my dear friends! 

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