Sunday, October 19, 2014

Disney on Ice

Today my best friend Sara and I brought our little princesses and baby Mickey to Disney on Ice for Jenna's birthday (well she got the tickets as a birthday gift) :)
 The girls got to dress up, and we got them their favorite snacks! 
 Thankfully I am getting good at James's sleep schedule and timed it just right! He was up until right before the show started then I put him in his carrier, and he slept until we got home :)
The show was really cute, and the girls loved it! 
Sara and I had the most fun watching our Princesses enjoy the show! 
 I am so glad we got to spend the day with our best friends! 
Love you Sara and Princess Elsa! 
Baby Mickey is 2 months old today!!! 
I will post his monthly update after his 2 month check up on Tuesday :)

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