Sunday, October 12, 2014

Thing 2 turns 8

The week leading up to her birthday she got 2 birthday lunches, a birthday dinner, and a birthday shopping trip. Then the day before her birthday we had her Sports Themed party... yes my little princess wanted a sports party! Mike was super happy about it ;)
Our Family of 5 celebrated our favorite girls birthday this weekend!
Jenna and her best girlfriends 
Everyone signed Jenna's Football, 
so she could always remember who came. 
And Everyone got a sports shaped water bottle!
We had a yummy Cookie Cake!
She was spoiled rotten with presents! 
Then had presents for all of her friends :)
Daddy's little football buddy
We played basketball with Jenna's new arcade style hoops, pin the football in the goal, and had a baseball pinata!  
During the party there was baby hang out time 
in the living room :)
For lunch we did concession style food! 
After the party we had a FROZEN family movie night, 
and a sleepover with Jenna's BFF!
Then on her actual birthday she was spoiled some more! 
She started the morning with her a wish
 and her favorite breakfast 
 (ham and cheese omelet and PB pancakes)
After Jenna's Friends went home
 we had lunch at her favorite restaurant Big Als
with Grandma Sue and Auntie Mandi. 

Then we spent the rest of the afternoon
 at the park just letting the kids run free!
It was such a wonderful weekend for this mama to celebrate 
the little girl that changed my whole world for the best 8 years ago! 

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