Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Thing 3 loves his big brother and sister

All my things :)
James is seriously such a happy baby he is always smiling and talking! 
Jenna loves reading to her brother! It is now part of our nightly routine before bed!
 Jenna can't wait for James to be able to talk to her, so she spends lots of time just talking to him :)
I love how protective she already is of him... the second he cries she is by his side!
These pictures were taking at 4 1/2 weeks old, and my strong boy is already holding his head up! 
 I wasn't sure how Kade would be once the baby is born, but it has been wonderful!
He is so enamored with him, and when he is here staring at his brother is his favorite thing to do!
My adorable boys make me so happy! I can not wait to see how close they are as they grow!
Kade says his favorite thing to do his hold his brother, and that he is going to coach his football team someday!

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