Monday, September 26, 2016

6.2 year Anniversary: Our Urban Adventure

Sunday was the 6.2 year anniversary of the best decision of my life!
(For those of you who do not know Mike and I have 2 anniversaries, because we eloped in May then had our big wedding in September to make it possible to move forward with Jenna's adoption sooner)
We started with lunch in Bodo at one of our favorite spots
Then we walked to the capital start our Urban Adventure Quest
A fun 18+4 bonus question scavenger hunt around downtown
We had even more fun than we expected, found some things we didn't know existed, and some old things we love!
(Mike took me to dinner here the night he asked me to marry him)

We stopped for snacks, pictures, and fun along the way which slowed us down, but we got 11th place so far which we were entertained by ;)
We really did enjoy the time together as a date, and would recommend this to our friends 
(just be careful it does drain your battery if you leave the game open the whole time)
Then we headed to dinner 

Food is just better when they set everything on fire :)

And when the view behind you is as sweet as the dessert! 
We took one more walk around the water after dinner to soak up the end of our beautiful day!
I really can't stop thanking God that I get to spend every Sunday forever with such
a giving, supportive, handsome man!
Happy 6.2 years babe!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Cupcake Wars and A Relaxing Labor Day Weekend

I hope all of my friends and family had a good Labor Day weekend! Ours was super sweet ;)

Michael and I decided that we wanted a do nothing weekend, and it was exactly what we needed!
Saturday morning we took James's 2 year Chair Pictures 
Then we hit the gym and picked up Mike's new car
After that we had a surprise for our girl!
We took a walk (which is the kid's favorite way to spend family time) to the local grocery store.
Do you see those birds we found on our walk home?!?! 

While James and I picked out dinner Mike and Jenna picked out everything they thought they would need to have our very 1st Family Cupcake Wars!

The Theme was Me... Like Me, Jacqui Reece, Mom, wife, lover of all things sweet! 

While Mike and Jenna made their cupcakes I made dinner "cupcakes"
I call them Steak Fajita ala guacamole cup 
We had dinner while their creations baked
then James and I cuddled with Buzz during the "decoration time" 
Once their time was up it was time for my favorite part
Jenna made me chocolate pumpkin cupcakes 
with a chocolate chip crust
And Mike made me pumpkin pie cupcakeswith cream cheese filling
They were pretty and yummy
Though Mike's flowers were very pretty Jenna took the win with the chocolate crust!!

They agreed! 
And Jenna was excited to bring the left overs to her church friends for Sunday school!

Sunday we tried out the new Lions Park (Super Cute)
Then we went home and the kids played outside while Mike and I spent some alone time, and watched them from the couch 

 Then we had family movie night and foot rubs :)
Monday we took the Labor thing seriously, and started in on our side yard project!
Nothing wrong with a little slave labor right?
James was so freaked out that Jenna was holding a worm ;)

Site supervisor right here ;)

 Oh and that guy right there is Bill he just started helping when he saw Mike working! 
Then another neighbor Lisa showed up with veggies for all of us, and all the kids started playing
I feel so refreshed and more in love with my husband, kids, and home than ever!
I love times like this when there is nothing you have to be doing just having fun with no one around!

Thing 3 and His Chair

For the 1st year of his life we took monthly pictures of James on his comfy chevron chair in his nursery to keep track of how he was growing. 
It is a special chair, because it a gift from his grandma April and Grandma Sue :)
We decided we should keep the fun going, and do a yearly picture as he grows!
This weekend we remembered to take his 2 year old pictures...
And he is definitely a 2 year old ;)
He was good, but didn't want to smile
Then he got bored 
Then he got mad that we kept sitting him back up
Then daddy offered candy, so he tried to look happy
Sister got the candy and he kinda smiled. but couldn't sit still he was so excited for a sucker
So we gave him the sucker to get him to smile
But he had what he wanted, so he showed us what he thinks about picture time!

The shirt is from my favorite baby boutique