Monday, September 26, 2016

6.2 year Anniversary: Our Urban Adventure

Sunday was the 6.2 year anniversary of the best decision of my life!
(For those of you who do not know Mike and I have 2 anniversaries, because we eloped in May then had our big wedding in September to make it possible to move forward with Jenna's adoption sooner)
We started with lunch in Bodo at one of our favorite spots
Then we walked to the capital start our Urban Adventure Quest
A fun 18+4 bonus question scavenger hunt around downtown
We had even more fun than we expected, found some things we didn't know existed, and some old things we love!
(Mike took me to dinner here the night he asked me to marry him)

We stopped for snacks, pictures, and fun along the way which slowed us down, but we got 11th place so far which we were entertained by ;)
We really did enjoy the time together as a date, and would recommend this to our friends 
(just be careful it does drain your battery if you leave the game open the whole time)
Then we headed to dinner 

Food is just better when they set everything on fire :)

And when the view behind you is as sweet as the dessert! 
We took one more walk around the water after dinner to soak up the end of our beautiful day!
I really can't stop thanking God that I get to spend every Sunday forever with such
a giving, supportive, handsome man!
Happy 6.2 years babe!!

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