Sunday, April 9, 2017

Happy Palm Sunday

I just love our church family! Especially our Children's Pastors!
After hanging out yesterday at church having fun
 at the Easter Egg Hunt 
today my kids got to be apart of sharing the
 REAL Easter Celebration 
with the congregation during their Palm Sunday program!
James loved getting to practice and hang our with the older kids. 

 These are some cuties from my preschool class.

Side note: 
Are arranged marriages biblical? ;)

Jenna's age group did so beautifully,
 and I pretty much cried through the whole thing!
Between songs testimonies were shared of God's miracles
 in different families' lives! 
It was a lovely way to celebrate our Lord who is still ALIVE, and he is working in our homes today!

At the end parents through out the congregation stood up with signs reminding others
 the miracle that our families and children are! 

My kids are 3 of my favorite miracles from God!

Easter Egg Hunt and Making Crayons

We took our Easter Bunnies to our Church Easter Party
 Little bunny hunted for eggs with his cousins while sister headed to the big kids side of the field
 Then we headed inside for some games
James decided he'd rather what and eat candy while sister made a necklace
Then spent sometime hanging with his cousin Zia's grandma Rosa 
While Jenna played tug a war with Pastor... she won, because she had God/Joni on her side ;)
James joined back in when he found our there was orbeez balls to play with!

Then we headed to lunch....Chey is super impressed with Jenna trying to eat with those glasses on as you can see lol

after jumping in the jump houses 
we headed back to Promise Land to grab all the broken crayons from my classroom.
What for? To make more crayons ;)
 1st you soak them in warm water to make the wrappers come off
 then you break them into small pieces, and put them in different candy molds
make sure the crayons and molds stay dry (lesson learned on our 1st batch)
 Bake at 230 for 20 mins 
Then cool for 20+ mins
 ta-da cute crayons sure to entertain toddlers lol 
The true test to a successful day is an easy bedtime :)

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Spring Break 2017

While Kade was at his other house the 1st half of Spring break Jenna had a daddy daughter double date on Sunday, she and James spent the day with Grandma Sue Monday so Michael and I would have sometime alone,  we had a play date on Tuesday, Jenna had sleepover at Grandma Aprils house that night, then lunch with papa Bob on Wednesday.
Needless to say by Wednesday Night it was wonderful to have our whole family back together in one place for awhile!
Wednesday night while Mike and I worked out the kids asked if they could just sit and talk, because they missed each other.... we were so in shock we just said yes. 
We had plans outside on Thursday, but Idaho...
So we went to the gym, and to lunch
Then James went to spend the afternoon with his cousins, so we would have the opportunity for some big kids spoiling!
We had dinner then went to the mall for dessert, because I wanted tea from Starbucks, Michael wanted ice cream, Kade wanted sour candy, and Jenna wanted truffles ;)
After we took the kids to Boise Escape!
Mike and I have been before, and had a blast. 
We knew the kids would to!
Friday we felt the kids needed some dad time, so Mike took them to jump time while James napped and I shopped ;)
Seeing it wasn't snowing anymore lol
 we headed to settlers for a picnic, and playing!

When we got home Jenna needed to rest. 
(she is not allowed to stay us as late as Kade, so she was struggling to keep up with their late night hangouts they are allowed to having during breaks)
 While she rested Kade planed some seeds for our Garden
 Then he and James decorated some rocks
James learned this week that a band-aid cures everything... 
 Once Jenna was ready my older babes went to play, and James got a hair cut, 

and daddy made dinner like he always does on Friday nights that we stay in!
Then we ate, and cuddled up for family movie night!
We did have some family April Fools Fun as well.
The kids hid one of each of Michael's shoes, his toothbrush, and body wash
Dad got a little more into it...
While we were all sleeping he went to Krispy Kream, filled one box with fruit, some filled doughnuts with baby food that even a baby wouldn't eat, and then got a box for the kids to actually eat!
By the time they got to the doughnuts meant for enjoying they were not very trusting to just dig in ;)

 "The kids" really wanted to go see Power Rangers, 
so Jenna and Kade took them ;) ;)

 While they were gone James and I spent sometime with my sisters!
Then we headed to Boise as a family for a beautiful day in the sun!
In September Michael and I did the Boise Urban Adventure, and have been waiting for the right time to take our kids to do it too!
We started at the cannon at The Capitol Building 

  Experienced Freak Ally...

 Ate snacks while walking the town...
 James loved all the trucks in downtown...

The kids needed to ride the escalator 20X... no it was not part of the game lol
 Mike and I were right here 7 years ago after he asked me to marry him for our celebratory dinner!
I am still so honored he asked, and so glad I said yes!

 The kids loved climbing and exploring as we worked through clues as a family!
 James wasn't having the pictures when there was all the "things" to see and touch ;)
 Loved all the flowers my babes picked me through the day.

 Kade through a rock at a poll, the ricocheted back at me, and broke to reveal some sparkly crystals.

 After 2 stops for the bathroom breaks, a stop at Jamba Juice, lots of clues, snacks, and playing we finished our scavenger hunt making 6th place!!
 It was delightful to spend that kind of alone time as a family, and equally wonderful to get some alone time to talk with my man all the way home!
Sunday after church we went to Grandma Sue's for lunch, and impromptu driving lessons around her neighborhood!

 Then we hung out a Bodies in Motion which was amazing, because we for the most part were the only ones there! They let the kids play with whatever they wanted!
James loved the slides especially with grandma!
And learning to build with his daddy!
After they were good and worn out we headed to the Village for dinner, people watching, and dessert!

 James played at the park while the big kids talked.
James made friends with a ducky who liked his snacks.
 While the big kids laughed.
Then we headed home for Kade to get ready to go back to his other home. and for one last hour to hang out just the 5 of us before spring break was over!
 Grateful that we got this much needed alone time to just be a family!