Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thing 3 is 1 month old!

I am continually in awe of how fast time passes. 
Tomorrow our little man will be 1 month old! 
Height/Weight: Our Happy baby Boy is growing to fast :( 
At his 1 month pediatric appointment this week he was weighing in at 9lbs 8 oz, and is 24 inches long. 

Routine: We started "baby steps" on making a schedule this week. Seeing I am home with James during the day, but still enjoy sleep we started with the evenings. Between 5-6pm I cuddle up and feed him, so he is awake and happy while we have dinner and go about our evening. Then when he starts nodding off (usually about 7-8pm) we give him a bath (we are still only sponge bathing), change him, and play with him. This gives us another 30 mins to an hour of awake time. Then I feed him again and put him to bed. 
The rest of the day I let him eat and sleep on demand which is working great :)

Sleeping: James loves his sleep! He sleeps from his last feeding for about 5-6 hours. Then again till I wake him up to feed him in the morning. During the day his favorite place to sleep is on mommy or daddy's chest which we are all to happy to allow most of the time. Otherwise he loves his Rock'n'play Sleepers that his uncle Bobby and Aunt Stevie gave him. To transition him from sleeping with me to the sleeper in our room I just started putting the shirt I wore each day next to him and he passes out! 
Eating/Feeding: Other than the long stretch at night he eats about every 2-3 hours for about 30 mins. He is so great about eating! He will nurse with or without a shield, with or without a cover, and will take a bottle no problem! I am still the only one who feeds him, and I don't see being willing to give that up for awhile. 

Sizes: Like I said he is growing! He is in 0-3 month clothes now, but still in NB diapers. 

Milestones: He is developing so many habits and cute little personality traits already! 

Like when he nurses... If he is wide awake he will stare at me and have his hand wide open on me, but when he is falling asleep / almost done he grabs his ear :)
He is learning to hold his head up and likes looking around, so unless he is nursing he doesn't like to be held like he would be eating. He likes to have his head up :)

He has also developed the best "grumpy face" for when he doesn't want to be awake, but is doing it for mommy anyways ;)

Better than his grumpy face is his "Tickle face"!

Here is a picture of all 3 of my beautiful babies
I am one blessed Mama!

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