Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Our New Journey: Surrogacy Part 6: My 1st week in Cali and Maternity Pictures

One month ago I left for California prepared to give birth to my Surro baby. 
 The day before that my OBGYN checked me, and said that even though I was only 35 weeks I was already dilated to a 2 and starting to efface. I needed to leave ASAP, or she wouldn't let me fly.
We already had plans for me and the kids to leave the next weekend and Mike to meet us there the 1st of June, but couldn't risk me waiting. 
So our AMAZING family stepped it, and made it possible for me to leave a week earlier!
Once in California I was papered and just relaxed hoping taking it slow would stop progression until Mike could get to there too. I seriously couldn't imagine not having him by my side for this!
 I made myself at home at the lovely guest home my IP's had all set up for us!
I really am going to miss the view!
I got a massage. mani/pedis, my hair colored, drank my weight in pink tea, and got introduced to lots of yummy food.
My intended parents did a wonderful job of taking care of me, and keeping my mind off of the fact that I missed my babies! 
And Mike did an amazing job of keeping me connected to what was going on at home with lots of pictures and Facetime!

One of the days there my intended mother asked me to do maternity pictures. 
My #1 wish for this whole thing was for it to be as special for her as possible, so of course I said yes!
Here are a few of my favorites.

36 weeks!

Then one week after I arrived my hubby brought me my babies!!!!
Once I got all the cuddles they were going to allow 
they wanted to see the property.
 So we went for a "walk" to wear the kids out ;)
Then after nap time we went swimming at the local rec center
It was so wonderful to have my family with me!
I was sure that baby was going to come soon, so Mike decided he would stay.
The next day we started Operation: "Walk the Baby Out" :)

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