Friday, June 24, 2016

Our New Journey: Surrogacy Part 8: Operation: "Walk the Baby Out" Week 2

Sunday May 29th was our 6 year part 1 wedding Anniversary! 
I thought it was fun that this all started last year we "met" my IPs via Skype and decided that we were going to carry a baby for them the week of our 5 year part 1 anniversary
Then on our 5 year part 2 anniversary we traveled for me to get pregnant

Now everything had come full circle and it was time for baby to be born.. well almost time! 
She wanted to bake a little longer ;)

Sunday morning my always thoughtful husband snuck out early in the morning to buy me gluten free breakfast pastries and flowers :)
We decided seeing my IPs had bought us return tickets to Gilroy Gardens it would be a beautiful way to spend time as a family to get the kids tired so we could have some alone time in the evening :)

Monday I was sure I had finally helped the cause, because I was finally having contractions. My very excited IM decided it was worth a trip to the OB to be checked, so we headed in... 
More NO CHANGE... However at this point the OB set us up to induce on June 1st (2 days later)

So we went to lunch at this super yummy french restaurant and she bought me presents to make me feel better! Which really did help ;)

Then we met up with our husbands and kids for a Memorial Day dinner and fun at the park! 

Tuesday it was time to be busy again!
We thought this was our last day for fun, so we headed to San Jose to explore!

Wednesday June 1st!
The day I was supposed to induce....
We went to breakfast, got me my pink tea, and headed to the OBGYN's office for one last check before heading to the hospital.
If it is possible to go down in dilation I think that is what may have happened lol
There was so little change it just wasn't a good idea to induce.
Baby girl wanted to bake longer
We pushed passed our disappointment by leaving the kids with the sitter, and finding a specialty coffee shop with my IM to sit, relax, and make plans to stay another week! 
Thursday was jump back into play day! 
We decided to hit Raging Waters from open to close! 

Friday was one of my favorite days ever! 
We spent the day at Capitola Beach! It was so warm, and beautiful! 
Just a simple, relaxing, perfect family day

Saturday we went to The Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum and Billy Beez

One more week down!

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