Monday, January 20, 2014

Great Weekend!

Mike started the 3 day weekend by spoiling me rotten! He took me out to a nice dinner...which alone is sweet, but he got there early and had it set up so that I could come straight from work and the minute I sat down they gave us our appetizer :) If you have ever been pregnant you know how sick you are asking to get if you wait to long to eat!! Then after dinner he gave me presents :) A Snoogle (a giant pregnancy pillow to make sleeping easier), and some colored maternity pants (because I was sad that I wasn't going to get to wear all my cute colored jeans while I was pregnant), and the sweetest letter about how excited he is to have a baby with me the only woman he has ever really loved :)  It was the perfect pick me up to my hormonal day! 
Saturday we went Shopping and bought our crib (I am so excited I will post pics when it is delivered), and spent the day together just enjoying life...and eating a lot :)
That night we got our kiddos back, and took them to The BSU Basketball Game! It was a blast! Mike and Jenna have gone a few times, but this was our 1st time as a family! The kids were so into it, and BSU won at the very last minute! 
 Sunday was the playoffs which in the Reece House means Church and Football are the only thing we do! It was fun we had my best friend and her kids over and vegged out all day! Sadly my Pats lost, but I like the Broncos so I am looking forward to watching them play the Sea Chickens in the Super Bowl!
The kids had a sleep over and Monday was a much needed relaxing, clean up the house, watch my kids play, cuddle with my man kind of day! 

Happy Civil Rights day to all my fellow Americans! I hope your weekend was blessed, and full of reminders why living in a country where all people are equal and free is so amazing! 

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