Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Telling Daddy

So my hubby is the doer of all things Laundry in the Reece Home. I am an OCD cleaner who keeps my house clean most all the time, and I actually really enjoy doing it, but laundry ... not so much! So my sweet man over time just took it over, and without complaint I must add :) Seeing I know that most nights he moves a load of laundry in evening when I am getting Jenna ready for bed I added a present to the load in the dryer... and just waited....

Just folding clothes... then...
HIM: "Babe, what is this"?
ME: " Well I should have got short sleeve seeing
 our newborn wont want to wear long sleeves in August"....
HIM: "Wait are you pregnant"
ME: Smile and nod
HIM: "We did it"! He literally gave me a high five before giving me a kiss lol 
We spent the rest of the night wrapping our heads around everything that we needed to do in the next 9 months, and dreaming of all the fun to come!

1 comment:

  1. This was such a cute way to tell everyone! I love it! ~ Nicole
