Tuesday, January 7, 2014

That Weekend

• I woke up feeling like there was a ton of brinks lying on my chest... I looked in the mirror, and it was scary! Who knew the 1st place you start showing is not your stomach?!?!
• It was a normal Friday morning then I went into work at 1pm, but by I don't know 2pm wanted to take a nap!
• That night we had my team Christmas Party, and there was tons of yummy food! Problem is all I could think about eating was egg salad :( Yuck Right?!?

• We have a Saturday morning tradition. I lay in bed like a lazy butt while Michael makes breakfast, and then we eat in bed while the kids play. Well way too early I woke up and wanted eggs so bad, so I thought it would be sweet to make him breakfast in bed for a change!
• Mike noticed the Twins today... his reaction was a lot less WTH and more Heck YES!! LOL
• We went shopping, and I was so tired we checked into our hotel early instead of finishing our Christmas list. Mike even bought me new shoes to encourage me to shop, but all I wanted to do was sit down.
• That night we went to my favorite restaurant The Melting Pot! Yum yum yum... I wish they had egg salad on the menu :(

• We were supposed to get to sleep in all morning in our nice comfy hotel, but I woke up and literally had to eat... you guessed it EGGS!
• I decided I will be wearing scarfs no matter what for a while to cover up whatever was going on with my chest’s growth pattern!
• Mike went to the store to get some cough meds for Thing 2, and grabbed a test without me even asking him to. (We had decided that we were not testing this month seeing we had an appointment with a fertility specialist on the 30th).
• Most nights after we put Thing 2 to bed we sit and watch a show while we have some ice cream... this time I had egg salad...

I woke and decided enough is enough with the egg salad, and I would take a test...
I was nervous that I was wrong... I didn't even have pregnancy symptoms with my 1st pregnancy until 9 weeks, and I didn't want to be making them up based on hope. I prayed the whole 2 minutes, took a deep breath...
I am not a fan of that whole "let me pee on a stick, and then show the world that pee stick", so I will just tell you...
We are pregnant!!

I spent the day counting hours until I could go home and tell the man I love. I doodled and daydreamed most of the day, and accomplished very little actual case work!
I did this on my folder as the way to tell a good friend who struggled to conceive who supported me through the last few month seeing she calls me the "Airman's bride" :)

We will be telling family before I post this, but I am so glad you are all a part of my journey!!!!!


  1. so eggs, are you still craving eggs? ~ Nicole

  2. No, not really. Mike still makes me eggs every morning to make sure that I am getting enough protein every day, but I am not craving them. :)
