Monday, January 27, 2014

My 1st Trimester Must Haves

As I am getting further into my 1st Trimester and feeling better I decided to make a list of 10 things that got me to this point, so that maybe someone else going through the same thing can find help!
1. A support System! Obviously my husband is my main support person (that is why the picture of us), but I have a great group of friends and family who take care of me. I have a few girlfriends that I can count on getting a text from at least one of them each day checking on me, and just knowing someone cares and having someone to complain to can be so uplifting! My husband has taken on the roles of mom, cook, and maid some days so that I can just rest! My family has been great about helping with Jenna, and helping me find food I can eat! And my management staff and team at work has been amazing about working around how I am feeling and taking care of me while I am at work! Get a good support system it makes everything better!  
2. Chex! I eat gluten free, so your normal saltine crackers are not an option. I wanted something that I could keep in a baggy with me and keep on my night stand. Chex has been my thing! I found that the honey nut is not to flavorful to set off any food aversion, but there are lots of flavors to choose from if honey is not for you!
3. Tums! I have never had heartburn before (other than pregnancy with Jenna) , but certain foods set it off without warning. The Tums smoothies are definitely the best, and way less chalky!  I have a regular sized bottle at home and they make a purse sized one for on the go. If you find no relieve from Tums my midwife said that Zantac is safe for baby and last longs, so check with your provider to see if it will work for you.
4. Prego Pops! My sweet friend Megan surprised me with a pack of pops at our last play date.  They are great when you need something, but are not ready to eat! They are also great if you crave sour stuff! You can get them at Motherhood and Natural Grocers
5. Water! I can’t get enough! My midwife explained that there are a few reasons that water is huge need during pregnancy. I wanted to share them, so I did some research, and this link WATER explains what she told me much better then I would! I'm a smart water snob, and found that Costco carries the big bottles that last longer in packs for ½ the price as I was buying them at other stores individually. I love their water, but also love that you can wash the bottle and reuse it multiple times without it getting damaged like most brands. Then I can have water with me all the time!
6. Banana Popsicles! I am not sure why, but one night in the middle of a nausea spell I asked Mike to get banana popsicles… and they help so much. When you are too sick to think of a food to eat, but have to put something in your stomach to help, these work. They are cold, and quick to eat, and don’t have a lot of flavor. The 1st time he got the box with cherry and root beer in it, because that is all he could find. After looking other places we found that Fred Meyers has just banana ones!
7. Chewy Prenatal! Prenatal vitamins are so important, but are hard to swallow when not feeling well. I still have the prenatal that I was taking while TTC, but on off days having something on hand that I don’t have to swallow is so helpful! They have DHA, folic acid, Iron, all the other good stuff, and most importantly they taste good!
8. Renew Lotion (and soap)! So it may be the winter and not pregnancy but my skin has been dry, and I want to stay super moisturized anyways to help my skin with the growing it will be doing. However I cannot do strong smells. Renew is a Melaleuca Brand and it is recommended for all kinds of skin conditions. It is Gluten free which is awesome, and it is not scented!  So I can be soft without making myself gag J
9. Your Pregnancy Book and Your Pregnancy for the Father to be Book! Mike and I wanted to get a book set that would help us understand some of what is going on, help us be prepared, help me with working out safely, and help him with being a good support! These books are so helpful and we have enjoyed reading them together. I got mine at the Ada Library and his at Hastings, but have seen them most any store that carries books. 
10. Downton Abbey! Or any slow paced show sweet show. I was so sick one night, and the idea of watching an action movie was exhausting. Mike suggested Downton... I wasn't sure I would like it, but ended up loving it. Its a great cuddle up and relax kind of show. Find something that can take your mind off of the nausea while keeping your spirits up! 

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