Saturday, January 11, 2014

Telling the family!!

After we told the kids it is easier to let them tell family then to swear them to secrecy...

The next evening we had my little sister (our family photographer) and her boyfriend Josh over for dinner to tell them. They got to know 1st because they were not going to be over on our family night, and we wanted to borrow Grace's talent for a few pictures :)

 The next morning Mike's mom and sister Mandi came over for us to spend some holiday fun with them.
 We let the kids give them each a gift to tell them. They were excited,and my mother in law brought us to get the PF Chang's for lunch I was craving :) 

Then the next day was family day with my parents and 2 of my 3 other sisters. My mom's reaction was priceless she was so happy! My dad wanted details, my step dad gave me the best congratulations hug, and my sisters were as always supportive! 

My sister Eva found out on Christmas...sadly she opened her gift while I was off being sick and pregnant! But she has been checking on me and promises to love my baby more then all the other babies ever lol 
We skyped my Father and Mother in-law in Utah! My Father in-laws smile made my day, and his reaction was exactly what I said it would be... "It's a Scott" :)
The rest of our siblings live out of state, so we sent them a picture in the mail! 
I want to wait till after our 1st appointment to tell our grandparents, because they (my sweet grandma especially) will have more questions then anyone else. 

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