Tuesday, June 24, 2014

32 weeks

I feel like this is going so fast, and so slow at the same time! I am so ready to meet my little man and not be uncomfortable, but I have so much to do before he comes and can't believe that a year ago this was just a dream!
I am officially 32 weeks this week! There is nothing especially new about pregnancy this week and its a week with no doctors appointments, so no special post. That being said I am going to brag on my other little man, and show you the fun weekend we had!
We were going to go out of town this last weekend, but Thing 1 got a role in the play Hansel and Gretel so we changed plans to be there for his on stage debut! I love theater, so the idea of a child who enjoys it thoroughly excites me!
He was a Rascal... which in the play is a one of the queen's little minions! He did such a good job, and it was such a cute play!
Seeing we were now plans free Saturday I went and had my hair chopped off by Tara with Trey Salon... there is no cutting my own hair when I am pregnant! I love it, and love that I am not just putting it up all the time due to being too long for me to want to style every day! I am definitely a short hair girl!

And I changed our maternity pictures to that evening... I CAN NOT WAIT TO SHOW THEM OFF!! Becky is an amazing photographer, and the kids had tons of fun exploring while we did pictures. She is going to do some of just me in her studio tomorrow... I am so excited to find out what her creativity has in store!
Then Sunday after church we went to a local pool for the kids to play, and me to... well... have a snow cone lol
Then we went home to make homemade pizza & cookies and enjoy the down time as a family!

All in all it was a great down weekend, and not going out of town turned into a blessing in disguise!
Hope everyone has a great week!

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