Sunday, June 1, 2014

Bump Update 9 - Week 29

How far along? 29 weeks (tomorrow)

Total weight gain: 13.4 lbs at my last appointment 

Maternity clothes: I bought my 1st maternity swimsuit, because there was no getting the twins ;) into any of my old ones! Other than that nothing new on the clothing front just wearing any of my dresses that I can, because they are way more comfortable than pants!

Stretch marks: No, but there is a red dot that I am pretty sure is going to turn into one. I was recently asked if that worries me, and I had to laugh... I did not go into this expecting to get sexier lol :) Being a mom comes with lots of sacrifices, and my body is one of them... I love being a mom! 

Sleep: The only thing that is problem with sleep lately is that my body forgot to sleep in?!?! Everyday I wake up by 7am no matter what... anyone who knows me knows that Saturday mornings and I don't go together! I love sleeping it :( Needless to say I am hoping this goes away soon! 

Best moment this week: I have just been having one amazing week after another lately! I still can't get enough of my husband being home, and can finally plan now that I know we are having a BOY!! I have posted about most of the fun, but somethings are just simply perfect for me like watching my baby daddy spend the evening playing basketball with our princess while I relax in the sunshine with our fur baby :) 
This weekend Mike and I had a little staycation in Downtown Boise
 for our 4 year anniversary! 
We went to dinner, a comedy show, and for a walk to people watch & get dessert on Friday night. 
Saturday we went to breakfast and the street market before swimming at our hotel and going to Hyde park for lunch and SNOW CONES!
(hey I am still pregnant even on romantic weekends)
Then that evening we had a picnic dinner in the park then went to see Death Trap at The Idaho Shakespeare Festival! It was so much fun I definitely recommend it for all my fellow theater lovers! 
I had such an amazing weekend just enjoying the man that I love I didn't want it to end, but I did miss our daughter & our bed so it is nice to be home! 

Miss Anything? The days when I could eat anything, and not getting heartburn! Other than that not a thing! 

Movement: All the time! At night when I relax he just goes crazy, so Mike gets to feel him and see him move which is my absolute favorite! The other time I can go from feeling no movement to tons is when Big Sister Jenna talks to Baby Reece which makes her feel pretty special :) 

Food cravings: Snow cones! Strawberry Daiquiri Snow Cones with cream!!! Seriously though I love ice and all of it's related friends, but Snow cones are just the yummiest and easiest to eat! Lots of other cravings come and go, but that one is pretty constant... the lady at the Hawaiian Ice shack knows my order ;)  The only other constants are cantaloupe and fresh veggies with ranch! 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope still doing good on this! 

Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks... I hate you! 

Belly Button in or out? In, but I am pretty sure it won't be long :(

Wedding rings on or off? On! Mike says he will buy me a bigger stand in ring if this one gets tight, but so far no problems there! 

Happy or Moody most of the time: I have two modes tons of happy energy and lets take a nap! lol  

Looking forward to: Next weekend Friday night is girls night out with my girlfriends for Sara's Birthday, and then we have fun plans with the kids to get them excited for their new roles with baby coming! Other than that just for spending time in the sunshine with my little family! 

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