Wednesday, July 9, 2014

34 week Bump Update

How far along? 34 weeks and 2 days

Total weight gain/loss: 22.4 lbs

Maternity clothes: I have officially grown out of my 1st maternity clothes...Not everything mind you, but there are a few things that no longer cover the bump. So to avoid looking like baby huey I had to add to my collection :) 

Stretch marks: They are finally here! The red dot has stretched into a line. That being said the ones that have started are under my belly button which means I can't even see them, so I am not to hurt about it :) 

Sleep: Sleeping is good these days. I haven't had anymore middle of the night hunger or leg cramps which makes me so happy. The only problem is still the getting comfortable to fall asleep, but at this point Mike has become a master at making this pregnant mama relax :)

Best moment this week: It has been more good times for the Reece Family! Summer is moving along and we are having a great time! I have a day now and then that I am just sleepy or not feeling great, but nothing bad! Mike and I have started our Birthing and Lamaze classes and I am thoroughly enjoying them!Everything is just coming together, and God is blessing us daily!

Miss Anything: Creativity... it is gone... like I will think oh I should do something creative with this, and then draw blank. I am hoping it comes back as I start my "nesting stage", but it is not looking like it will. 

Movement: Oh my goodness yes! I thought that it would slow down as he ran out of room, but he is strong! Kade got to feel him kick for the 1st time while we were on our trip which he totally freaked out about (so made my day)! 
Food cravings: Just food... all the time! I can't eat a lot in one sitting these days, so I just eat all day! I still want snow cones daily, but that is mostly because I am so hot it is nuts!!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Just if I don't eat or eat too much

Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks are officially my least favorite thing in the world!  

Belly Button in or out: Flat with the bump still unless baby Reece gets too excited and pushes it out 

Wedding ring on or off: On and still fitting great

Happy or Moody most of the time: I am thinking pregnancy is good for my mood, because I have never felt to euphoric! I have bad times, but they seem way less significant when I am literally growing my dream come true! Mike and I have been so great and the kids are loving the idea of their new baby. I just wouldn't change anything right now! 

Looking forward to: Friday Night with my man, my next baby showers are coming up, finishing the nursery, and well everything the next few weeks will bring! 

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