Friday, July 18, 2014

Family Maternity Pictures - 2

A few weeks ago we had summer family pictures done
 Most of them were done for the babies nursery, and some just to capture our family in this amazing time
 We had them done by Rebecca Anne Photography, Becky did a great job! 
Here are some of my favorites :)

Thing 1
Thing 2

Picture for Big Brother Frame for the Nursery

Our almost family of 5

Baby Reece's amazing siblings
Look how much they have grown from the year they became sister and brother 

we have a similar picture Becky took when the kids were 3!
This is going in the Nursery :)

Baby Reece's 1st pair of shoes!
This is going in the Nursery :)

Picture for Big Sister Frame in the Nursery 

Just me and my boy

Me reading "You are all my favorites" to my all 3 of my babies!
This is going in the Nursery 

My very sexy baby daddy 

This was the pose from our wedding invitation
This is how it all started :)

Our song is "God Blessed the Broken Road"
The day of our wedding Becky captured this same moment 

Daddy and his baby boy! 

There is so much to the biblical truth!
Baby Reece is the answer to so many prayers!!
This is going in his Nursery

Me, the man I love, and our baby boy!
One of those life doesn't get better than this pictures for me :)

Peacefully in love with a boy I have never met 

Here is the link to the pictures of Just Me and My Bump

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