Monday, July 28, 2014

37 week Bump Update

How far along? Exactly 37 weeks today 

Total weight gain/loss: 31.7 lbs 

Maternity clothes: I have found that my dresses from last year are now working great as shirts for this year :)
This is me wearing the above shirt as a dress last Easter :)

Stretch marks: Same as last time, but not to worried as long as my boy needs room I am willing to keep growing 

Sleep: Sleep is good... no real changes. I am getting tired more often these days, but luckily have the flexibility to rest most of the time if I need it.

Best moment this week: Mike and I were just talking yesterday with  his mom when she was helping us (ok helping Mike) move in our new living room set how extremely blessed we feel right now. Things have been working great, and people have been so good to us! We are all set for our boy (his nursery is done and hospital bag is packed) we don't need anything else for him, and there is no pressure to get things done before he gets here. And all baby stuff aside we are still having a fun summer with Things 1&2
Last week we had Mike's squadron picnik where the kids had a blast catching bugs and fish.
Then Sunday we took the kids to get spoiled at Operation Homefront's Military Kids day at the zoo with our great friends the Malones. 
I worked a few days last week, but one of them was just to have my Work Baby Shower where I was spoiled by my work family.

Tuesday we had our birthing class while my little sister hung out with Jenna. When we picked Jenna up Eva surprised us with the Medela Pump Metro Bag we registered for. I think Mike could have kissed her he was so excited!  
Then Friday we went over to hang out with my brother and his wife where they gave us a car seat and stroller set that we wanted! 
Saturday we went to a free Family Sleep Event where we got 2 bags of free organic baby stuff like sheets, soap, and detergent. 2 Undercover Mama nursing tanks, and Mike and I each won a baby carrier. 
Then we had my work BBQ which was amazingly fun (I am bias as a member of the departments event committee ;)
Sunday was such a lazy day. I didn't wake up until it was way too late to go to church. We woke up and from the comfort of my couch while eating the yummy protein chocolate chip pancakes Mike made me I sold Jenna's bed that has been in our garage for 3 months and bought a new couch set. YAY the internet :) Then we had dinner with my mother in law, and then I caught up on my blog while Mike and Jenna played basketball. It was the lazy weekend this pregnant mama needed! 

Today was my weekly Midwife appointment, and it was one more week of everything being perfect on the pregnancy front! My strep B test came back negative, so that is great. I am measuring at 38 weeks which means little man is growing still, and his heartbeat is 143 which is right where it should be. I have another appointment next Monday if I am still pregnant by then. :)

 Miss Anything: As much as I could be done being pregnant anytime, and be completely happy with my pregnancy experience being done I don't miss anything. If I could have one thing right now it would be cooler weather I am so hot all the time! I am generally a the warmer the better, but no I am too hot!!

Movement: He has actually slowed down moving lately. Though daddy figured out that if he blows on my stomach his son will freak out and move all over! 
Food cravings: I have actually been eating less the last few weeks... at least at a time. Eating to much makes me feel sick to my stomach (probably because it has no room) I have been loving protein shakes and cheese sticks for when I should eat, but don't want to. I still love Snow cones, and like food that have vinegar even if it is just vinegar dressing on salad. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Still just if I eat too much I get nauseous 

Labor Signs: Since Thursday I have 2- 5 min. contractions an hour 

Belly Button in or out: Mostly flat but if he moves at all it pokes out 

Wedding ring on or off: On and still fitting great

Happy or Moody most of the time: Super Happy and ready to meet my new little man! 

Looking forward to: Our last birthing class is this week! I can not even believe it! I loved this class so much it was such a good bonding time for Mike and I, and I am feeling way more ready for the labor process. 
I am just looking forward to relaxing and continuing to enjoy these last few weeks of anticipation

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