Wednesday, July 16, 2014

35 Weeks!!!!

I had my 35 week appointment with my midwife this morning, and from now on I will go every week! Baby is measuring at exactly 35 weeks ,and his heartbeat is strong at 140. They tested my blood again for anemia to check my iron, and I will find out later this week how that is. I am probably still anemic, but she wants to make it is not getting any worse seeing it was very low when they put me on the iron supplements. She also started me on meds that I have to take because of a medical condition pre-pregnancy this week, so that will come with some side effects… yay. All in all everything is looking perfect in the pregnancy world. I have all the normal highs, excitement, discomforts, and worries!

We had our 3rd birthing (Lamaze) class last night and it is wonderful. We learned a lot about the actual labor process which gave Mike and I a lot to talk about to decide what we want the day we meet our boy! Then we learned lots of comforts and massage techniques for daddy to use to help me through the next few weeks, labor, and post pardon. Mike is one of the most comforting people naturally, but it was great to have the opportunity at each station to talk about what helped, and what I didn’t like.

This last weekend I went into holy cow I am having a baby in a few weeks, and have so much to do before he is born mode!! It not that I think he is going to be born licking the floor boards, but I want everything clean! We deep cleaned the house and garage. I cleaned out all the cabinets, stalked the guestroom and bathroom for anyone who visits, caught up on any laundry like blankets and towels that get put off, started packing our hospital bags (I will post about these separately), and mostly finished the nursery (I will post about these separately) & baby gear set up!
Here is our Swing/ bouncy for downstairs
Playpen/Basinet for next to our bed when his is brand new

Mike being the great husband he is got me a Groupon for someone else to come in and deep clean the bathrooms, kitchen, and dust the whole house :)
I have 2 baby showers this coming week, and then I think I will be ready for whenever Baby Reece is ready to make his entrance into this world! Jenna was born at 35 weeks, so this is officially the longest I have been pregnant before! That is almost terrifying to think about. I can’t believe how fast this is going! Please keep me and baby boy in your prayers these coming weeks... oh and Mike who gets to deal with nesting and constant calming my worries ;)

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