Sunday, July 6, 2014

Happy 4th of July Weekend

We just got back from a fantastic trip to see our family in Utah for the 4th of July weekend!
We decided seeing I am almost to the point that traveling is not safe, and soon we will have a new little man taking up our time and affection that we should get away with Thing 1 and Thing 2 one last time this summer!
We left Wednesday afternoon and traveled through the night. I wasn't sure how I would do traveling in my new pear shaped body, but it was actually a quick comfortable drive! I always look forward to these trips, because it is 4+ hours of talking without interruption for me and my man :) 
We stayed at a Hilton near my in laws seeing they are in the middle of moving and we stay free in Hiltons aways :) Thursday morning the kids got to play at the pool while Mike helped me get my (very far away from reach) toes painted! 
That night we got to see Mike's older brother and sister and all of their adorable kids! 
The kids had a blast playing with their cousins, exploring the foothills, and roasting marshmallows :)
For the 4th Grandpa took the kids to an Independence Day Celebration in the morning where they played on jump houses and Jenna even jumped from a 30 foot drop onto a giant pillow (she was bribed with a $1)
Then we met up with Mike's younger sister Toad and her boyfriend Jake for Fireworks in the park!  
To make sure all the grandkids were equally spoiled Scott bought Baby Reece a Snow Cone each day :)

On Saturday we spent the day at Cowabunga Water Park! 
My brave kids went on all the slides! 
It was a great way to spend a sunny day!
Yes they even had snow cones at the water park ;)

Our Family of almost 5 at the Waterpark! 
It was such a blast! 
That evening we had an amazing dinner made by Grandma Angie while we watched the UFC fights!
It was a perfect way to end the busy weekend! 
We headed home after one more breakfast with Grandma and Grandpa on Sunday. The kids made the backseat into a fort, and I got some more time to talk to my man! We came home to lots of presents for baby Reece, but I will post about them separately :)
I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend as much as we did! 

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