Friday, May 29, 2015

Last day of 2nd for Thing 2

A lot has changed for our sweet girl! In 1 school year she got a baby brother, moved to Nampa, got a new house, started a new school, and got all new friends! As much as I feared it was too much for her introverted spirit God showed me there was more to this princess than even I new! She has thrived through it all, and has grown so much! I can not wait to see all God will use her to do, because I know she will change the world!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Happy Birthday Thing 1 and Happy Memorial Day Everyone!!

Happy Birthday to our growing way too fast boy Kade!!
I love Birthdays! More specifically I love my kids birthdays! Celebrating my loves brings me so much joy I don't know how to explain it!
Kade is such a great kid and I truly feel blessed to be his other mom!
I can't imagine my life without him in it, and I look forward to seeing the man he becomes!
For his birthday he asked for a birthday party at Roaring Springs!
To surprise him he got RS passes instead... and we celebrated there!
We also got him a new Full size bed with a lockers to go with his football field room

The weekend we had him for his birthday was too cold for swimming, so we went made other plans!
Kade and dad went to explore some caves, and have boy time in the morning!
He pretended to be a bat of course lol

Then we went to Jump Time with friends in the afternoon
And to Big Al's with Grandpa Scott for dinner!
The next weekend we had a family BBQ after church, and Kade got spoiled with lots of stuff including a new trampoline!

Then on Memorial Day we went to the water park finally for our 1st of many trips this summer!
It was James's 1st trip! He loved it!

He liked just riding in his stroller to watch big brother and sister go down all the slides!
And took a super long nap!

Jenna went on double trouble the slide that she has been afraid of for the 1st time!

And Kade got to pick what we did at the park all day!

We ended the day with Kade's Favorite snack (Birthday Cake Dip n Dots)

Friday, May 22, 2015

Thing 3 is Nine Months Old

Height/Weight: We haven't weighed him this month. He has his 9 month check up in a week. I'll update then :)

Routine: Our routine has been about the same as last month! We are just looking forward to adding big sister to our days for summer break! This will be my 1st summer home since she was 3! I can't wait for all the time just me and my babes! 
Sleeping: Sleep is still about the same. He definitely likes his sleep and loves his crib when he is tired, but will fight his nap if he thinks there is something more fun he could be doing lol
He loves music, so I leave KTSY on in his room while he sleeps which has helped him not wake up from other people talking in the house. He has a noise machine, but it didn't work as well. 

Eating/Feeding: We are up to 3 solids a day. Breakfast (eggs and/or yogurt) lunch or dinner depending on the day (veggies), and then oatmeal mixed with fruit right before bedtime. This has added at least an hour sleep at night!!! :) He also has small snacks when I need him to hold still for a few mins like shredded cheese, frozen yogurt bites, or dehydrated fruits and veggies are his favorites. He also nurses (or has a pumped bottle) on demand through the day I would say 4-5 times. 

Sizes: No changes here since last month! 9 or 12 month clothes :)

Milestones: I seriously love how smart this kid is getting!!!!!!
He had his 1st Mother's Day! This is my favorite picture, but the link is to the rest from that day! 
He is learning the fun of sun shine and family timeThis is my favorite picture, but the link is to the rest from that day! 
He only says Dad to Mike and Mom to me! 
He knows how to ask for food (he taps on my chest) and a diaper change (he smacks his diaper)
He likes to play on our new grass with daddy

He can say Hi and Bye! 
He can drink from a straw

He learned the fun of jump time
 He is crawling like a champs, and can walk if he really wants to though he knows it is slower on foot  :)
This really has been the most amazing 9 months
 I can't not wait to see how he grows into a strong Godly man just like his amazing daddy!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Mama's Day!

Mother's Day this Year was exactly the relaxation I needed! 
My Mother's Day wish was to have a list of things I wanted done in the house Saturday, and then to just  relax on Sunday! 
Saturday Mike and Jenna got to work cleaning out the garage from moving, setting up the loft, and finishing the closet that Mandi and Sue bought us a house warming gift! 
Then Sunday morning I got to sleep in and have breakfast in bed. The kids got me my yearly new shoes and flowers which is my favorite tradition ever ;) That afternoon we had lunch at Ste. Chapelle with my amazing mother in law Sue and sister Mandi!
 It was a gorgeous day, the music was great for dancing, Mike made yummy chicken Kabobs for our picnic, and the wine lemonade was amazing! 

It was so fun we decided we are doing this every year :)

How lucky can one girl be to get to have these wonderful babies call me mama?!?!
That evening we had my mommy and step dad over for dinner! It was so nice to just sit and talk with them without all of the family and busyness.  

I feel so blessed to have such supportive woman in my life! No matter what is going on or what I need I know that I have 2 Moms that will be there for me! 
They are both amazing grandmas who take such good care of my kids :) 

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Family Day in the Sun

At the breakfast table this morning while sitting and eating the yummy breakfast Mike made us we decided we needed to do something fun out in this pretty weather! 
Jenna got a free family pass to birds of prey from her class field trip last week, so we started there!
My whole heart in a picture... especially those little chunky toes in the back :)

All 3 of my Things getting ready for our picnic :)

Then we went to the Kleiner Park!
While big brother and sister played and rolled down the hills Jamie got to swing (which is one of his favorite things ever)!

Then we all buried Kade man in sand... it took Jamie awhile to be sure about the whole sand thing lol 

Then we took a walk to the village for dessert. Mike and I got some time to just talk while Jamie napped, and the kids played! 

The sound in my car the whole way home was my kids playing with each other which was better than any other sound in the world I am sure!! 
Jamie has his big brother and sister wrapped around his chunky finger :)